Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 1864 Rose Manor + Duplicity

Chapter 1864 Rose Manor + Duplicity (Fan [-])

What does she like to eat... What does she like to play... What are the special days of each month... Things she doesn't like to do...

we have everything.

And there is...

her identity.

The identity of the monster.

rose demon...

Her body—is a little rose...

Jiang Wen browsed quietly without missing a word.

This is left by Mr. Qiao, without reservation.

Jiang Wen stayed up all night and watched them all.

Finally, he closed the computer.

Extremely calm.

He calmly looked at the silver-gray velvet brocade box on the table.

The box still lay there quietly, motionless.

Above, the little boy is still kneeling on one knee, piously holding up his roses.

Endless devotion, pampering to the extreme.

Jiang Wen watched for a long time.

Sitting there quietly like a statue, his fists were silently tightened.

Emotions, dark and unclear.





Mr. Qiao saved the video.

After recording the video, it was almost three o'clock at night.

Everyone was asleep, and everything was still.

It seemed that he was the only one left in this world.

He is the only one who is still awake and not sleepy.

He entered the bedroom, the lights in the room had been turned off, only a small night light was still on by the bedside.

The slightly bright light shines on the person on the bed.

She didn't sleep well, and the quilt was kicked back again.

Her white and tender feet were exposed to the outside, alone, already a little cold.

Mr. Qiao went to bed and helped her remake the kicked quilt.

As if sensing his breath, the sleeping man moved a little.

Like a clingy kitten, it rolled over and rolled into his arms.

Using hands and feet together, hugged him, without even opening his eyes, he had already consciously found a place in his arms.

Very skilled.

"Why did you come back?"

She hugged him tightly, humming.

Always act coquettishly unconsciously.

Mr. Qiao, who was covering her with a quilt, paused for a moment.

Eyes downcast, eyebrows and eyes gentle.

"Wait for a long time?"

"Sorry, not next time."

He kissed her and even spoke softly.

The person buried in his arms closed his eyes and hummed.

The calf rested on his body, completely dependent on him, and did not speak any more.

It seems that this is the time to sleep peacefully.

Mr. Qiao didn't speak any more, and lay down.

Turn off the little night light.

The bedroom suddenly went dark.

Also a lot quieter.

On the bed, the body of the person clinging to him was soft, and the smell was also fragrant.

People always want to hug tightly.

Mr. Qiao didn't feel sleepy, so he just hugged her and stroked her face gently.

In the dark night, quietly staring at her silhouette.

The voice was soft: "Si Si."


Her voice was soft, with a deep sense of sleepiness.

Although he was about to fall asleep, he still responded unconsciously.

It made people's hearts soften.

Mr. Qiao raised his lips slightly.

"very nice."

He stroked her face tenderly.


She was in a daze and had no idea what he was talking about.

Mr. Qiao smiled and said nothing.

His mind was so deep that people couldn't figure out what he was thinking.

"Go to sleep."

He coaxed.

"Wake up, I'm still here."

I can still be with her all the time, always... be with her.

Until, the end of his life.

He thought, he would do his protect her.

Whether it is now or in the future...

He has always loved her.




—End of extra episode—

(End of this chapter)

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