Chapter 1881 White Fox (16)

"..." That beautiful and charming fox demon, being stared at by it like this, his scalp tingled uncontrollably.

Forgive her for being rude, but—

Neither this body nor she herself likes such eerie things as snakes.

It's too poisonous, and it's too inconsistent with her aesthetics.

and.She didn't like the feeling of the cold snake's body sliding over her skin.

It was really cold and it gave me goosebumps.


It was like a large bug was touching her.

She endured it, because it was him, so she didn't act immediately.

The hand hanging in mid-air trembled slightly, tentatively, just about to move.

In the next second, the cold and gloomy silver-ringed blood snake moved.

He opened his bloody mouth wide, and bit her with lightning speed.

The sharp and poisonous fangs pierced her delicate cheeks mercilessly.

A sting came.

It was as if some cold liquid had been injected into her veins.


She was in pain and wanted to tear it away immediately.

But she didn't want to, the poisonous snake bit her tightly, and the strength of the thick snake body was astonishing.

Not at all.

Bright red blood flowed out slowly, from the half of her injured cheek.

Yun Si grabbed its body, trying to tear it apart.

On the cheek, it seemed that two blood holes were about to be bitten out by it.

Constantly icy liquid was injected into her blood vessels, like thick sulfuric acid, injected and corroded her blood vessels, and even corroded her bones.

It's hot, it hurts, it hurts badly.

"...loose... let go!"


She tried hard, both hands, trying to shake it off.

But it is always in vain.

It bit her tightly and didn't let go for a moment.

It seems that the flesh on the cheek will be torn apart by it.

"...Ah, it hurts!"

It hurts even more...

It really hurts more...

Her eyes were sore that she was crying.

It felt like half of my face was going to be destroyed.

I do not know how long it has been.

The thick and cold poisonous snake finally let go of her.

The scarlet forked snake Nobuko licked her injured cheek.

In the next second, the two bloody wound holes healed quickly.

Even the blood she shed was absorbed by its scales.

The poor fox was so painful that he couldn't speak, the tips of his white fluffy ears were forced out.

The beautiful peach blossom eyes are wet, and physiological tears are falling down.

The pain from the cheek is receding like a tide.

She tore it away and ran to the small pool deep in the cave.

The pool water is clear and covered with a thick layer of ice.

She smashed the ice surface with one punch, revealing the clean and crystal clear water.

Reflecting her face, she covered her hands, her eyes were red.

Behind her, the snake that was thrown away stood there coldly.

Green vertical pupils stared at her.

Approach slowly.

The poor beauty squatting by the small pool with her big limp fox tail was covering her face, reflecting on the surface of the water.

Some dare not look at their faces.

The pain subsided quickly, and she put down her hand cautiously.

A piece of porcelain white, smooth as ever.

White and clean, still rosy and delicate.

Not even a drop of blood.

She froze slightly.

He glanced at his hands.

Very clean and no blood.

She couldn't believe her eyes.

The beautiful eyeballs are wet and blinking.

The unbearable pain just now was vaguely still there, she faced the water surface and touched it again.

No matter how you look at it, it's unbelievable.

(End of this chapter)

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