Chapter 1882 White Fox (17)

Behind her, the silver-ringed blood snake with a length of almost two meters slowly climbed up her body again.

Wrap around her waist and go up.

The flat, eerie snake head was resting quietly on her shoulders.

He spit out the scarlet snake letter, but did not move.

Inexplicably, it gives people a lazy and lazy feeling.

He didn't bite her like he did just now.

"..." The fox beauty shook her pointed ears and looked down at it.

"What did you inject me with just now?"

The poisonous snake didn't respond, it was still lying on her shoulders, wrapping around her, wondering if it could understand human words.

She touched her face.

Although it was still as smooth as before and had no scars, she could still clearly recall that when it bit her just now, it must have injected something into her blood.

Otherwise, how could it hurt so much?
She poked it, "Do you want to eat me?"

"I don't eat well, I'm covered in hairs."

"..." The poisonous snake still didn't respond.

The transparent eyelids slid slightly.

The body temperature is a bit too cold.

She looked at it and said, "Don't bite me in the future, you know?"


Snakes don't seem to be able to speak.

Nor will she respond.

She stared at it, probably out of fear, and tentatively raised her hand, trying to tear it away.

"Also, I'm not your mother, you've got the wrong person."

"I'm a fox, you're a snake, we're not a family, you know?"

The icy poisonous snake clinging to her body stared at her with its eerie green vertical pupils.

She made a movement to tear it apart, and it suddenly opened its mouth wide open.

The temperature in the cave is extremely low.

It seems that the weeds at the entrance of the cave will be frozen into ice cones.

It gaped open, almost as big as her face.

Exhaling at her, the thick snake body also began to exert force.

Wrap her tightly, as if threatening her.

"..." Her movements stopped suddenly.

It gasped at her, baring its sharp fangs.

But when she stopped moving, it also fell silent.

The head rested on her shoulder again, very quietly.

There is a feeling of being dependent on her.

Can't rely on it.

"..." Yun Si thought, it probably treats her like a mother.


Aren't snakes cold-blooded?
Why are you still clinging to your mother? ? ?
She was silent for a while, unbelieving, and tentatively tried to tear it apart.

As a result, it blew at her again.

He opened his terrifying mouth and breathed heavily at her.

This is the snake's warning action, and she probably knows a little bit about it.

As if to warn her not to tear it apart.

Yun Si was helpless, stretched out her finger, and poked it.

"I'm really not your mother. You see, I look different from you."

It still didn't move, it was quiet, as if it couldn't understand.

"..." It seemed that she really got herself into trouble.

If she had known it was a snake, she would not have stolen it.

She poked it.

As if it heard what she was saying, it slowly raised its head again.

The green and eerie vertical pupils just stared at her uncertainly, spitting snake letters.

The cold and slippery snake letter touched her face, like an ice pick in the ice cellar, it was extremely cold.

The scales slid on her waist, tightening silently.

The strength is a bit astonishing.


In the silent cave, such a sound suddenly sounded.

The sound is a bit loud.

(End of this chapter)

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