Chapter 1883 White Fox (18)

In such an empty environment, it also seems a bit loud.

The thick poisonous snake didn't move, still looking at her coldly.

On the contrary, the entangled person paused slightly.

With a light cough, the pointed fox ears twitched.

... She was hungry.

Subconsciously, she wanted to rub her stomach.

But bound by its snake body, she couldn't touch it.

You can only touch its cold, scaly body.

She seemed to be scalding again, and withdrew her hand.

No fumbling, just Na Na: "I'm hungry, why don't you let go first?"

"When I'm full, will you come up again?"

"..." It was still quiet and didn't respond to her at all.

Just staring at her in such a gloomy and strange way, motionless.

It's like I can't understand it at all.

Yun Si tried to communicate, but failed.

Helpless, she can only be forced to do this.




Outside the cave, people walked by one after another.

Even, it seems that someone is approaching.

The vixen, who was about to rummage through his inventory, instantly raised his head and looked over.

Outside the cave, there were two disciples dressed as Xuanzong sect, holding a compass, standing not far from the fox's den.

Less than ten meters away.

They looked left and right, and down at the compass.

One of them snorted, a little confused.

"What's the matter? The compass is broken?"

Why does the compass feel like it's blowing the wind when it's near here?

The same is true of the compass that the other person carries with him, turning wildly, wildly.

Something was clearly wrong.

"Junior brother, is there a demon near here?"

"...It shouldn't be, how is this possible?"

This is the place where Xuanzong's big sect catches monsters, how could there be monsters hiding here without fear of death?
"But, I feel, it seems that there is really a monster."

"Just now, I feel that the evil spirit has become heavier."

"You feel it too? I seem to feel it just now...but I'm a little uncertain."

"That's it. There must be some monster hiding here. Do you want to send a signal flare to inform everyone?"

"Hey! Don't! Now that the situation is so tense, the leader probably doesn't have the mood to deal with it. Let's take a look first, make sure, and see if there are really monsters."

"Okay, if you catch it, it may be related to the theft of the magic palace."

"That's it, you go this way, I go there, and we will meet under that big tree over there."

"it is good."

The voice of speaking soon died away.

Footsteps were approaching.

Yun Si's heart sank, and she immediately cast the spell.

Strengthen the cover-up at the entrance of the cave.

In order to avoid accidents, she turned around and walked in quickly.

Get ready to take another small exit.

"Senior brother!"

She was about to push away the stone used to block the small exit, when another voice came from outside the cave.

The sound is very loud.

"What are you dawdling about? Everyone is here, waiting for you!"

"..." Her pushing movement stopped immediately.

The fox has sharp ears and eavesdrops.

"Brother, there is a monster here!"

"...Ah? Monster spirit? What nonsense are you talking about?! This is Lingxian Mountain! How could there be a monster?"

The person who came to them shouted angrily, "Have you confused yourself by catching monsters?"

"Hurry up, it's all about you!"

"...No, Senior Brother, it's really—"

"Forget it, let's not talk about it, the matter of assembly is important."

One of them hastened to smooth things over.

(End of this chapter)

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