Chapter 1895 White Fox (30)

It was already the next day when I returned to the temporary shelter in Yandang Mountain.

The sun has just risen from the other side of the mountain, and the wild geese have just woken up from their sleep.

Yun Si walked back to the nest and untied her snow-white cloak.

The moment the cloak fell to the ground, it revealed the terrifying poisonous snake tightly wrapped around her body.

It has grown a lot, and now, it can almost wrap her whole body tightly.

The cold and penetrating silver ring color, in the slightly dim light of the small nest, is more and more deadly and dangerous.

It has a flat triangular snake head, and those dark green vertical pupils are bigger than a big grape.

Just like that, he was spitting out scarlet blood like a snake, and the scales on his body were oozing with cold black air.

Deadly poison, the whole body is poisonous.

Evil, terrifying, bringing an overly terrifying sense of oppression.

Pressing hard, the snake's body, which is thicker than a human's thigh, is so strong that it only needs a little force——

Human bones can be crushed and directly penetrate the internal organs.

The person tightly entwined by it, wrapped around its thick and terrifying snake body, looks extraordinarily weak and slender.

Like a fragile dodder flower, tremblingly, surprisingly soft.

She was barefoot, walking on dry ground.

Her nest is a straw mat in the cave, covered with a soft cloth.

Good for rest, but also for sleeping.

She flicked her tail, but the tip of her tail was always hooked by the snake's tail, and she couldn't move.

It looks aggrieved.

She poked the snake's head lying on her shoulder, "Bao, I'm tired, you come down first, okay?"

Always being entangled by a giant snake, even if it is not tight, it is still heavy.

Heavy, so heavy.

It hurt her bones.

The cold poisonous snake will not respond to her, and is still quietly spitting out snake letters.

But the strength to wrap around her was a little looser.

It's already a compromise.

Poor vixen, even resting can't get rid of this evil and terrifying poisonous snake.

She drooped her pointed fox ears, helplessly.

Transform into a prototype and become a smaller snow-colored fox.

He flicked his tail, which was freer, and lay down on the straw mat.

The icy poisonous snake quickly coiled up.

Hovering there, being cushioned by it.

The terrifying snake's head just rested quietly on its furry back, and its tail hooked its tail again.

Tighten slightly.

The little fox lay on the snake's body and stretched.

Close your eyes and get quiet.

Soon, there was no sound in the cave.

Quietly, even the sound of a needle falling to the ground can be heard.

The little fox with its eyes closed shook its ears from time to time.

Some lazily, lying on the poisonous snake.

The white and soft limbs spread wide, spreading out into a fluffy round cake.

It tilted its head and was silent for a while.

Then, there was a sudden sound, and the fox's paw patted the snake's body.

"I'm not your mother, don't take me as your mother, you know?"

She is always thinking about this matter, always reminding it from time to time.

As if afraid that it will be forgotten.Really treat her like a mother.

The viper made no sound, nor did it respond.

The snake's head was still resting on its body, motionless.

It seems to have listened, but it seems not to have listened.

The white fox is used to it not responding, and knows that it can understand.

After reminding it, it relaxed and adjusted its posture.

I fell asleep peacefully.

On a terrifyingly poisonous snake.

(End of this chapter)

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