Chapter 1896 White Fox (31)

After the little fox's breathing gradually became even, the poisonous snake, which had been motionless, finally moved.

The icy snake tail wrapped around its base unhurriedly.

Snakes have big heads, compared to little foxes.

With one mouthful, its little head can be swallowed.

It spits out snake letters silently, and its gloomy vertical pupils are cold and terrifying.

Xuepen opened his mouth wide, revealing the two fangs with deadly corrosive venom.

Cover, cover the fragile neck of the little fox.

As if to bite it.

But the little fox slept peacefully and didn't feel any pain.

Only the pointed fox ears trembled, as if sensing something.

The poisonous snake didn't seem to want to bite it, but just rubbed quietly like this.

Occasionally, Snake Xinzi touched the vibrating fox ears from time to time, and when the little fox was frightened and about to wake up, it stopped moving again.

Be quiet and wait for it to fall asleep.

Poor little fox, he can't even shake his tail when he is asleep.

It fell asleep heartlessly.

The soft belly was attached to the cold snake, and it didn't feel anything.

In this way, I slept for a whole day.

I slept so comfortably that my bones felt comfortable, and the fox fur all over my body stretched out comfortably.




That night.

Yandang Mountain.

The moonlight is bright and clean, hanging high above the branches, illuminating everything in Yandang Mountain.

The tree that grows silently, the grass that dreams peacefully.

The evening wind passed by from time to time, disturbing the peaceful dream here, but soon, the dream calmed down and became peaceful again.

On the hillside, wild geese that can be seen everywhere are resting in the grass by the lake.

From time to time, there is a slight turning sound and a rattling sound.

The grass swayed slightly.

I do not know how long it has been.

When there were poisonous snakes, the geese who were resting on the hillside were frightened instantly.

The eerie poisonous snake was in the grass without making any sound.

But the wild geese flapped their wings and flew up in terror as if they could feel the overwhelming pressure.

One after another, they flew away from the mountain.

Did not dare to stay for a moment.

For a moment, the silent Yandang Mountain was filled with panicked geese.

That quiet and beautiful dream was completely broken.

Under the bright moonlight, the moonlight shines softly on the cold silvery blood.

The slow-moving giant poisonous snake is like a terrifying evil killer. Wherever it goes, the vegetation is black.

Even, it was completely corroded.

Until it turned into a cold black mist, the ashes flew into smoke and disappeared.

Toxic to the extreme.

Such a giant boa constrictor covered in deadly snake venom just passed through the grass tonight without any haste.

Silently, into the pool of crystal clear lake water.

Not a single sound came out.




The lake water is clear, shimmering under the soft moonlight, like a broken gem dropped by the Creator God.

Lightly reflecting the light of the moonlight, the shattered light is dazzling, but it is also extremely crystal clear.

Unfortunately, the poisonous snake entered the water.

Almost in an instant, the sweet and clean lake water rolled out black gas tainted with poison.

Like an evil devil, grinning grinningly, destroying everything at will.

On the surface of the lake, poisoned fish soon floated up.

One strip, the skin is black, and the belly is up.

Not even a chance to struggle.

The White Carp Essence, who was cultivating in the deep mud, spurted out a big mouthful of blood in an instant.

The poison followed the lake water and touched her body.

(End of this chapter)

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