Chapter 1898 White Fox (33)

After a while, it was able to breathe smoothly.

The wounds on his body are also healing quickly.

Yun Si picked it up and looked around.

I found a small hole and found some water.

Make a clean puddle and put it there for the time being.

The little white carp was swimming in the small puddle, gulping down the water.

As if thirsty.

Yun Si crouched there with an apology on her face.

"Sorry, I accidentally hurt you this time."

"I'll just take it away and clean up the lake."

The little white carp probably understood, and shook its tail at her.

Yun Si got up.

Barefoot, ran to the lake.

Push aside the blackened grass and look around.



The surface of the lake was calm.

Sparkling waves, reflecting the moonlight.

Dazzling and soft, the lake is cool.

The man standing by the lake with the fox tail hanging down looked around.

The lake water is relatively deep, even though it is very clear, but at night, it is still somewhat unclear.

She squinted her eyes, as if she felt she saw a snake's tail.


There was no response, but the water shook a bit.

Ripples again and again.

The black air became more and more intense.

The person in white was helpless.

Lift the skirt, slowly, into the water.

The cool water of the lake gently soaked her ankles.

Soon, the lake water reached her waist.

The snow-white lotus skirt fluttered in the clear water, and the ends of her long hair were wet.

"Stop making trouble, let's go back."

Carefully, she stepped on the slippery stones at the bottom of the lake.

It was slippery, and the grass at the bottom of the lake was dead.

She slowly approached the center of the lake.

Bending down, groping gently.

A touch, caught an empty.

She froze for a moment, looking at the snake skin floating in the water.

The blood-colored snake skin with a silver ring moves slowly with the water waves.

She looked around.


The wet fox tail hung down in the water, and the white hair was floating.

She turned around.

The pointed fox ears were covered with drops of water.

It was a little wet, and most of the dress was wet.

She had no strength to put her hands on her hips, "Where did it go..."

Bear boy, it's really a headache.




Unable to find it, the vixen looked towards the grassy shallow water.

The grass over there has also turned black and is almost corroded.

She lifted her foot and walked over cautiously.

The snake tail was seen at that moment.

It was so lazily exposed behind a big rock, it was pitch black, and half of the silver ring color was exposed.

The fox demon's eyes lit up.

Quicken your pace, thump, thump, and splash in all directions.

When it splashed on the grass on the bank, the blades of grass instantly turned black and began to corrode.

Very toxic.

She ran over and grabbed the snake by the tail.

The snake's tail shrank instantly.

Her center of gravity was unstable and her soles slipped.

In the next second, she threw herself into the arms of a cold body.

It was cold, and under the moonlight, his complexion was extremely cold and white.

Bare-chested, very strong and strong, the body temperature is too low.

Under the cover of the clear lake water, while the water surface fluctuates, the lower body is the snake-like scales that glow with coldness.

It has been spreading, and the snake body is thick and terrifying.

The snake tail is long and powerful.

She threw herself into his arms and bumped against the cold and hard chest.

Bare feet stepped on the scaled snake tail.

Very hard, like stepping on a metal instrument.

It was cold and chilly, and the chill permeated from the soles of the feet.

Thoroughly cold.

"..." She froze.

The fox's ears, which were covered with water, trembled a few times.

(End of this chapter)

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