Chapter 1899 White Fox (34)

Her arms were cold, and her hands fell on his back stiffly.

His eyes blinked slightly.

Deathly quiet.




After a while, her hand tentatively moved down slowly.

Falling into the water, under the shaking of the wave shadow, it gently touched the snake body covered with scales.

Her fox ears twitched again.

This time, she looked up.

The slightly dazed beautiful peach blossom eyes, under the moonlight, are even more dazzling and eye-catching than the sparkling waves.

Because of the big action just now, some water was stained on her fair face.

Wet, with drops of water on the tip of the nose.

It slipped silently and landed in the lake water.

She was so beautiful and pure that she didn't know it, and the slender and slightly upturned swan neck was even more fragile.

It was so unbearable that I wanted to take a bite.

Taste the deliciousness of her body.

The man with snake tail slowly wiped off the water from her cheeks, his dark green deep vertical pupils looked extremely cold and strange in the dim light.

Faint, imperceptibly suffused with cold meaning.

But his movements were gentle, he wiped her face, and gently pinched her furry fox ears.

The powerful and thick snake tail fell in the water, very long, almost seven or eight meters away.

Silently, it fell to the bottom of the lake.

The highly poisonous scales were faintly black.

The poison polluted the entire lake, and no one was spared.

The fox demon who stepped on the snake blinked in a daze.

Looking at him, he reached out and touched his face.

It's cold, so cold that it's a bit outrageous.

He has deep eyebrows and three-dimensional facial features, stained with wet water, he has an evil and sinister appearance.

When not smiling, it gives people a sense of eerie horror.

It looked very much like the terrifying giant python lurking in the depths, silently spitting out the scarlet snake letter.

The heavy sense of oppression is so overwhelming that I can't help being afraid.

She stared at him fixedly, her soft and fair face was extremely beautiful against the backdrop of the lake.

It's too beautiful.

After staring at him for a while, she raised the corners of her lips slightly, but said nothing.

She just raised her hand and stroked his head.

Just like before.

"It's time to go home, don't keep running around."

Her tone is very natural.

In front of him was the half-snake, half-human monster with dark green eyes.

Just like that, he grabbed her wrist and grabbed her hand.

"Aren't you afraid of me?"

He opened his mouth, and the tone of his voice was too cool.

Weird intonation, hissing voice.

When the sound landed, it seemed as if the surface of the lake was about to freeze into ice, it was bone-chillingly cold.

The chill went straight to the bottom of my heart.

It's frightening.

The person whose wrist was grabbed trembled.

Her lips are slightly raised, her beautiful peach blossom eyes are calm.

Reflecting him calmly.

"Why be afraid?"

A snake demon with a deadly poison in front of her grabbed her hand.

The fangs were exposed, grinding her fingertips gently.

With just a little force, the fangs will pierce her fingertips.

The deadly venom will be injected instantly.

His gloomy green vertical pupils have been staring at her slowly.

"So, aren't you afraid?"


I don't know who to scare.

The snow-white fox demon shook its furry ears and hooked its lips.


The expected answer.

His movements paused for a moment.

A certain charming and charming vixen, with pursed lips and flicking its tail.

"But I warned you, if you bite me again, I will ignore you."

(End of this chapter)

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