Chapter 1900 White Fox (35)

Her voice was soft, as if she was warning him or threatening him.

"Absolutely, ignore you."

Outright threat.

There is no fear at all.

"..." The giant snake and python demon in front of him had a calm expression.

Grabbing her wrist, he was moody.

The fox beauty in white all over looked at his hand.

The lake is clear and rippling, and the moonlight is quiet and bright.

He was covered with the soft moonlight, and his cold white complexion was like a piece of ice.

The cold ice that can't cover the heat.

He grabbed her, and his other cold hand slowly covered her face.

It was the place where she was bitten out of two bloody holes when they first met.

His brows were deep, wet with drops of water, and his face was calm.

"I didn't mean to bite you."

His tone was cold and cool.

Like the jagged bones in a mass grave, it penetrates people too much.

Yun Si blinked and looked at him.


"I didn't bite on purpose."

He repeated it lightly.

"..." She didn't say a word, she kept looking at him.

"I carry poison on me, if you don't do this, you will die."

He touched her face gently, explaining.

"Your cultivation base is too weak, I can only use this method."

"I hurt you, sorry."

"..." She twitched her eyelashes.

Not too surprised.

After all, after thinking about it, she can roughly guess the explanation.

However, his attitude surprised her a little.

Unexpectedly... good tempered?

She blinked.

"that's it?"

She was a little tentative.

The snake demon in front of him dropped his cold hand.

It landed on her waist and picked her up.

The relaxed position of holding a child.

"You can bite back."

He turned his face slightly, revealing his cold white neck.

Because it is too cold and transparent, the blue blood vessels on it are clearly visible.

Blood with extremely low temperature flowed, very slowly, very slowly.

It's not like a normal demon at all.

Yun Si looked at it and touched it.

It's very cold, and you can feel the shape of blood vessels.

"..." She was slightly silent.

"No need, it's not a dog that bites."

She patted him on the shoulder.

"Just treat it as you owe me once, and just remember it in the future."

The snake demon hummed flatly and hugged her tightly.




A quarter of an hour later.

The fox took the bad poisonous snake that he had finally found back, and went ashore.

The lake water splashed and fell all over the ground.

The grass all over the ground turned black in an instant.

Sizzling, it was corroded and shrank in an instant, losing its original appearance.

Yun Si thought of that poor little white carp, so she squeezed the hand of the person behind her.

Look sideways at him.

"The water in this lake has been polluted by you, and the fish can't survive. Do you have any way to detoxify it?"

The cold and evil snake demon, after getting out of the water, lay limply on her body as if it had lost its bones.

Standing behind her, she looked a little lazy.

He hugged her lazily from behind, resting his head on her shoulder.

The long black gown made of snakeskin was loosely worn.

A large area of ​​skin on the chest was exposed, and the texture of the abdominal muscles was distinct, hard and stained with water droplets.

It was a bit seductive at one time.

He half-closed his eyes, as if he was about to fall asleep, his voice was cold and lazy, and he was too lazy.

"There is no way."


He rubbed her face, pursing his lips delicately.

The tone is leisurely and overly casual.

"Otherwise, if you promise me one condition, I will tell you the only way."

Insidious and cunning, cold-blooded and calculating.

very bad.

It's broken to the bone.

(End of this chapter)

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