Chapter 1903 White Fox (38)

It was endlessly cold and cold, and even the entrance of the cave was covered with a layer of ice.

Seal the cave from the outside world.

It was as if the sound had been blocked, and time had stood still there.

After an unknown amount of time, the man in a black robe finally came out.

In his arms, he also held a fluffy snow-white fox.

No energy, just lying down, with a big tail hanging down, just curled up like this.

The man was probably in a good mood, bowing his head, rubbing his chubby little head from time to time.

It is quiet, with drooping pointed ears.

She closed her eyes, as if ignoring him.

Not long after, the man's figure turned into a black gas and disappeared.

On the ground, the poisonous gas instantly corroded the stones.

There was a sizzling sound, and there were densely packed small bubbles.

All that was left was the cave, and the ice was still there.

Slowly melting, returning to silence.




Lingxian Mountain.

Xuanzong faction.

After the people of the Demon Palace retreated, the leader Che Yungong couldn't feel at ease for a long time.

He always felt that the things lost in the Demon Palace would not be good things.

What's more, the protectors of the Devil's Palace are so nervous that they don't hesitate to tear up the agreement to find that thing——

That means that the lost treasure is very likely to be extremely lethal, so big that it may destroy the magic palace, and it may also destroy everyone.

Coincidentally, that night, a well-informed disciple inquired about something.

Immediately, he hurried up the mountain to report to Che Yungong.

"... What did you say?! Yan Yu was born!?"

Che Yungong stood up in an instant, the teacup became unsteady, was knocked down, and fell to the ground.

With a sound of "啪——", it shattered in response.

The tea, together with the soaked tea leaves, was spilled on the ground.

Spread slowly.

A dead silence.

Even the elders who were seated next to him all changed their faces drastically, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"Yan Yu?!"

"He?! He was born again!?"

"This—how is this possible?!"

The disciple who came to report knelt on one knee and cupped his fists.

"Sect Leader, Elder, this matter is absolutely true, the news came from Yaoshi."

"It is said that Yan Yu killed a mouse spirit there. The method is the same as before, killing people with poison."

"..." Che Yungong shook his beard and did not speak for a long time.

Even, his legs seemed to have lost most of their strength, and he slumped on the chair.

"Are you sure...the correct?"

The disciple was very determined.

"It's definitely true, Sect Leader. The poison is too special. Some ten thousand-year-old monsters know that it is the poison on Yan Yu's body, and the news has spread all over the place."

"...Then come to think of it, there should be news from the Demon Palace..."

Che Yungong muttered to himself, "Yan Yu is back..."

Then this struggle that was finally stopped, wouldn't it be -

Crazy, really going crazy.


Another disciple who was in charge of inquiring about news also came back.

He walked in a hurry with a serious look on his face.

"Sect Master, elders!"

He clasped his fists together, "There is news! What was lost in the Demon Palace a few days ago was an egg."


Che Yungong frowned.

But soon, he stood up, suddenly.

"So, that makes sense..."

Why, why is the Demon Palace so anxious after losing it.

Even at the expense of tearing up the agreement.

Because that egg is—

Several elders also stood up.

"How could Yan Yu—"

"Didn't he die at the beginning? How could he be reborn?"

"What happened to that egg? Could it be that the Demon Palace has already been found?"

(End of this chapter)

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