Chapter 1904 White Fox (39)

"How is this possible?! How could Yan Yu be reborn?"

"No, Yan Yu is not reborn."

Che Yungong's expression was grave.

"At the beginning...he didn't die."

"What?! How could—"

"...Junior brother, have you forgotten what Yin Xin said back then? He said that Yan Yu was tired and didn't want to fight anymore, so the Demon Palace ceased fighting."

"Later, there have been news that Yan Yu died one after another, but no one has ever seen Yan Yu's body."

"Besides, if Yan Yu is really dead, think about it, a lunatic like Zuo Huang, why doesn't he just call himself king? Instead, he always calls himself a protector?"


The elders were speechless.

The more Che Yungong thought about it, the clearer his thinking became.

"Thinking about it, it should be that Yan Yu found a place to rest for health care, and they have been living in peace so far."

"And that egg is where his real body is hidden."

"The egg is missing from the Demon Palace, they must be anxious."

"But later it was discovered that the egg was found, and Yan Yu was reborn—"

"Then now, they have even more arrogant capital."

Che Yungong looked worried, and couldn't hide his worry.

"...Is there no way to kill Yan Yu?"

The disciple who had been listening couldn't help asking.

"Then Yan Yu, is he really that powerful?"

The elders glanced at him and shook their heads in unison.

As if lamenting his ignorance.

One of them, hands behind his back, sighed.

"If it could be killed, we would have given our all for it..."

"It's a pity... that Yan Yu has the blood of a dragon on his body."

The disciple was taken aback, "Dragon???"

The elder nodded, "You are right, it is a real dragon."

"Yan Yu's ancestors can be traced back to the peerless real dragon who created the world in Pangu."

"Although he got mixed up with the Snake Clan later, in the final analysis, he is also a member of the Dragon Clan."

"The blood of the dragon and the snake is mixed. He has both the innate poison of the snake and the invulnerable sharp armor scales of the dragon."

"In addition, his talent is extremely high, his cultivation base is profound, and he has no weaknesses..."

They tried everything they could, but they couldn't hurt him.

In the end, he could only end up killing five hundred enemies and self-defeating three thousand.

Just remembering, the situation at that time was horrible.

Countless disciples died under his poison and were wiped out.

Not even a burial place.

Sad, deplorable, deplorable.

The elders all looked worried.

"Then Yan Yu, the ancestors don't know what kind of snake they have mixed with, and the poison on their body can be so powerful."

"Back then, our uncle spent most of his life trying to find a way to break the poison of the snake, but..."

"I can't find anything."

"All the herbs are useless, and the snake venom on Yan Yu is different from the poison on other snakes. It is colorless, odorless, and has a very fast onset. In addition, the poison of the snake is fierce. Whether it is an ordinary person, a cultivator, or a demon. , cannot resist."

"Master uncle once even found an immortal to analyze his snake venom, and later found out..."

"Found what?"

The disciple asked.

"It was discovered that... the snake venom is mixed with dragon blood."

"And the dragon's blood can just destroy everything."

The disciple widened his eyes, "This—"

"Isn't that unsolvable?"

"more or less."

They all shook their heads, saying that there was no way.

"Yan Yu is too poisonous, we can only avoid him, we can't attack him at all."

So, let alone kill.

The disciple was shocked.

"God, how could this be..."

(End of this chapter)

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