Chapter 1906 White Fox (41)

When the little fox woke up, he found himself in such a strange place.

It was gloomy, and there was nothing but sand and loess.

It was pitch black everywhere, and it was extremely cold.

It was still being held, held in the arms.

It shook its ears, and slowly poked its head out.

Crooked, looking around quietly.

Here, it seems to be a lair of men.

He walked in no hurry, his big cold palm was still stroking its small head leisurely.

The tail is touched from time to time, and the movements are very frivolous.

It shrunk its tail, and the fox ears drooped slightly.

With good night vision, look around.

It's all ice, chilly ice.

This is the deep abyss of Longyuan Mountain. The abyss is narrow and narrow. The further you go down, the narrower the aisle.

Through the thin air, one can feel the biting ice.

Yin whizzing, dark and abnormal, making people's scalp numb.

This made the little fox a little unbearable.

It couldn't help shrinking, and patted him with its small paws.

"Where are you taking me?"

"It's cold in here."

It felt colder than the cave she had entered by mistake before.

It's cold enough to kill.

The femme fatale man holding it hugged it tighter.

The icy palm covered its small head, and the black energy was overflowing with demonic power.

Insulate the cold from it.

The temperature rose instantly, and its body was also warming up.

It stopped talking, and only showed its clear and clean eyeballs.

Watch quietly.

The aisle here is very similar to the previous cave, the aisle is constantly tightened and narrowed.

There was gloomy ice everywhere, with ice cones hanging from the sky, exuding a cold air, and there was not a drop of water.

As if it won't melt.




The surrounding environment changes in an instant.

Originally, the aisle was very narrow, so narrow that it was almost impossible to pass through it.

But in the next second, the man who had been holding it seemed to have passed through a barrier.

The boundary wave shook a few times, and soon returned to its original state.

The little fox curled up in the man's arms looked around.

This time, he shrank further back.

Straight, shrinking between the man's arms, even the eyeballs are a little afraid to show.



There are snakes everywhere.

Here, is an empty and extremely confined space.

The ice blocked everything inside, like a solid cage, locking the crawling, densely packed snakes inside.

Above, below, the wall, and the hanging...

All are snakes.

Colorful and green, all kinds of colors.

are still alive.

Grimly, they all looked over.

Breathing snake letters, the silent air was filled with a scalp-numbing hissing sound.

It just squirmed very slowly, in such a closed and dark ice room.

It seemed that every time he took a step, the ground would touch the snake's body, and a wriggling snake would fall from it.

Simply terrifying.

The little fox's scalp was obviously numb, and he couldn't stop stuffing it into the man's arms.

Want to get into his skirt.

Fortunately, that femme fatale man who is always cold-blooded can occasionally be kind-hearted.

He glanced down at it, opened his skirt, and let it slip in.

It clings to him, and it doesn't seem so tense.

The little furry head is slightly exposed, looking outside.

Swallowing his saliva, he immediately retracted his gaze.

At this time, the snakes in the ice room seemed to know the man.

After seeing him, he retreated quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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