Chapter 1907 White Fox (42)

From the very center, a path emerged.

The snake hanging above just watched quietly without any movement.

No one will risk their lives and fall.




Through the ice room, next, another ice room.

This time the ice room is much bigger than before, at least three times bigger.

However, the ice room is still densely packed with snakes.

Moreover, they are thick and thick boa constrictors, one is stronger and bigger than the other.

The huge snake head is much bigger than the little fox's head.

They huddled together and swirled together, making almost no sound.

Just watching the man pass by so fixedly, he still made a way out of the middle.

He didn't say a word, just spitting snake letters, quietly.

When the little fox poked his head out, he could still see the cow rack that had been eaten to the bone in the corner.

The cow skeleton fell to the ground, and was used as a tool for the tail by the pythons.


It shrank back again.




In this way, continue through the third and fourth ice chambers.

At the end, the little fox could no longer remember how many icehouses he had passed.

It saw countless snakes in its life, and at the end, it was almost numb.

The two pointed and furry fox ears shake off from time to time.

Then, she simply tilted her body and fell directly into the man's skirt.

Sticking to him, shrinking limbs.


He's completely lost interest in where he's taking it.

I just want to hug my own tail and sleep.

But, it didn't take long.

When it was about to fall asleep in a daze, it felt the man's footsteps stop.

He stopped there and bent over.

As if saluting.

"..." It woke up all at once.

Shaking the fox's ears, he picked it up again.

Soon, a small head emerged from the man's loose skirt.

The two beautiful eyeballs, which were soft and clean like black grapes, looked outside.

Immediately, he was taken aback.

here is……

Huge snakes hovering over the pillars.

Pang Shuo's body almost covered the entire sky.

It was a terrifying sculpture of a giant silver-ringed snake with layers of chains on its body.

The chains rattled in the wind.

The statue opened its mouth wide, its fangs sharp and sharp.

The snake's head was facing their direction just like that, with a hideous look on its face.

With a heart full of hatred, blowing towards the face.

Eerie and cold.

There was the sound of liquid dripping from time to time.


It was exactly the same as the sound in the cave before.

It dripped from the fang, fell on the ice, and soon turned black and disappeared.

It looks like it's poisonous.

The little fox looked at it for a while, then blinked.

He looked up again and looked at him.

It seems a little unclear so.

"This is……"

Its soft voice seemed very abrupt in front of this overly silent snake statue.

It shook its ears and raised its front paws.

The man lifted it out.

Her figure changed, and she turned into a fox girl in a snow-colored lotus skirt.

The tail is still wagging, but it has not been retracted.

He put her down slowly.

"This is my mother."

He no longer had the loose look before, and his voice was cool and calm.

The fox girl was startled, and immediately looked over.

Tilt your head slightly.

"Your mother..."

It looks so fierce.

She shook the snow-white tail behind her and hugged his arm.

Yan Yu stroked her fox ears, eyes downcast, undisciplined.


He always seemed to be able to guess what she was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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