Chapter 1934 Tribulation (8)

The waiter saw it and immediately backed out.

With a smile, close the door by the way.

"and many more."

The half-wet person in the underwear and skirt in the room suddenly made a sound.

His eyes are cold.

"Who was the one who hit someone just now?"

"What's your last name, what's your name? But you live here?"

Her tone was calm, eerily calm.

The shop clerk was stunned.

Rolling his eyes, he hesitated, "This..."

A piece of silver was thrown directly into his hand.


When the waiter saw it, he instantly smiled.

Walk in and close the door.

"Guest officer, the one just now... is the one that the Holy Majesty loves the most."

When he wanted to say his name, he still covered his mouth and lowered his voice.

"His name is Zhongli, and he is very arrogant and domineering on weekdays."

"Living here these days, I have already bullied many people. That child... is one of them."

In fact, they also hated the sixth prince.

But with great power in hand, he is the most beloved child of the emperor and empress——

They are all common people, how can they compare with him?
"Zhong... Li..."

Yun Si's expression was calm, and she repeated word for word.

"Zhongli, right..."

She made a note of it.

The hand wrapped in cloth was tightly clenched, firmly restrained.

Restrained her anger.

Monstrous, roaring.




After Xiao Er left, Yun Si closed the window and lit the candles in the house.

It was pouring rain outside, and the house was dimly lit.

The thin boy, dressed in burlap, lay quietly on the bed, still falling asleep.

Underneath, the sheets were already wet.

Yun Si sat on the side of the bed again and took his pulse.

His pulse became stronger, and every part of his body was recovering rapidly.

The wound on the back of the head has healed, and the pale and thin cheeks are also rosy.

His eyelashes trembled, but his fingers were still cold.

It's too cold.

She sat quietly by the bed and watched for a while.

She didn't reach out until all his external wounds had healed.

Gently, untie his clothes, hold him, and go to take a bath.

Wash away the blood and coldness from that body.

The rain outside is still falling, splashing, and the rain is endless.

The sky was dark, and thunder and lightning completely released the chill of autumn.

The wind was blowing so loudly that the windows creaked and creaked.

Inside the house, after everything had been dealt with, Yun Si covered the young boy with a new clean quilt.

Gently, tuck in the quilt.

After taking a bath, the boy's thin cheeks became much warmer.

Slightly glowing with pale pink warmth, it feels soft and feels good to the touch.

Just no meat.

Yun Si gently touched his little face, and looked at him quietly for a long time.

The boy slept deeply, as if he hadn't had such a good sleep for a long time.

She looked at it and raised her lips slightly.

Leaning over, she gently placed a kiss on his forehead.

"Have a good dream."

She touched his little face and whispered.





It was still raining, but it was much lighter.

The wind with a cold temperature blows from the mountains and blows straight to the small town at the foot of the mountain.

It was foggy and damp.

Continuous drizzling, wet and cold.


The room guarded by the guards.

The door of the room was closed tightly, and the guards had just handed over their shifts.

One group went back to rest, while the other group continued to guard.

Inside the room, the lights were off.

Quietly, there was a faint sound of even breathing.

Hidden in this continuous rainy night, the voice is so soft that it is hard to detect.

(End of this chapter)

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