Chapter 1935 Tribulation (9)

I do not know how long it has been.

In the room, there was a cold and silent red figure standing in front of the bed.

Like a ghost that came and went without a trace, it appeared there in an instant.

In his hand, he held a sharp dagger.

The little boy on the bed was still asleep, soundly asleep, yet unaware of the imminent danger.

The dark red and alluring figure raised its sharp dagger.

Outside the window, in the dark sky, thunder rumbled suddenly.

The dark environment in the room brightened up for a moment.

Knife up and down.

Just in that moment.

Before it was too late, a sharp divine light struck towards her.

The person standing by the bed narrowed his eyes and flashed quickly.

The skirt fluttered, she stopped and left the bed.

Holding the dagger, he looked at the person coming.


A woman full of fairy spirit.

He raised his cold sword and took a posture.

Divine power is strong.

"Fox demon, you dare to touch him!"

That extremely small-bellied, glamorous fox demon, who must take revenge, curled up the corners of her lips in a sarcasm.

The dagger hung down and stuck on the tea table beside it.

The sharp blade made a deep cut on the tea table.

The hostility is strong, and the evil spirit is monstrous.

Not to be outdone, even more angry and strong.

"What? Do you think I dare not?"

The man who dared to touch her, hurt him like this——

The woman sneered, "Do you know who he is? Do you really think that a little fox demon can hurt him!?"

The fox demon held the dagger tightly, her sharp peach eyes gradually turned red.

The evil spirit roared wildly.

"I don't care who he is?"

"Even if the emperor is here, I will cut off his flesh and pull out his tendons—"

"you dare!"

The woman drew the sword directly.

The trick is decisive, directly hitting the gate of life.

The fox demon is even more cruel, as if he is desperate.

One god and one demon fought together.

The ground of the inn trembled.




That night, when the old man rushed over after hearing the news, the fight was over.

Fairy Qiangwei was defeated, her whole body was covered with wounds, her fairy sword was broken, and she almost died on the sharp and piercing dagger.

And the sixth prince, who was domineering and domineering on weekdays, directly broke a leg.

The kicking leg was cut off mercilessly by the dagger, and then thrown in the backyard of the inn.

Bleeding ceaselessly.

The sixth prince yelled in pain, the sound resounded like killing a pig, resounding throughout the inn.

The guards in the inn, the doctor, the maids, and the shopkeepers were all frightened.

One night, he was thrown into trouble.

It was almost a fire, and the whole inn was burned down.

The land old man was about to faint on the spot.

Those who are angry are also scared.

It was the first time for Fairy Qiangwei to suffer such humiliation, she was so angry that she almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

The old man in the land tremblingly supported her and helped her leave.

After leaving the inn, Fairy Qiangwei endured the wound and took out the divine order.

Facing the sky, he held it for three seconds.

"Heavenly soldiers and generals obey orders!"

"Everyone, go and catch the fox demon!"

"Wherever she hides, keep her alive and catch her!"

The old land man opened his mouth, his beard trembling, and wanted to say something.

"Fairy, that fox demon... Maybe there is some misunderstanding..."

However, what he expected did not happen.

After the divine order fell, the heavenly soldiers and generals guarding the sky did not respond.

Only one divine soldier appeared in front of her with a flash of white light.


"Fairy, Your Majesty has an order that the ministers are only responsible for the safety of His Majesty the Emperor."

"I will not participate in the rest of the affairs of the human world. Please forgive me."

(End of this chapter)

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