Chapter 1946 Tribulation (20)

If you don't accept it, you'd rather be hungry than be wary of everyone.

There's no way to get close at all.

The smile on the old man's face stagnated.

Before he could finish speaking, the broken door closed.

"Clang--" After a moment, the door seemed to be locked.

Guard him directly to this point.

"..." The old man still had the grass carp hanging in his hand.

He stood there dryly.

For a while, some didn't respond.

I was thinking of using the pretext of giving grass carp to go in and take that stinky girl away, but in the end——

He sighed worriedly, walked back and forth at the door.

"What can I do..."

There are regulations from above, and he can't forcefully break into the houses.

That kid is really stubborn, how good is that grass carp...doesn't want it?
The land old man walked up and down, very worried.

It feels like my hair is going to fall out again.




The boy closed the door and locked it.

Then, the thin figure ran very fast.

He quickly ran into the hut without stopping.

Very anxious, eager to find.

"Little raccoon?"

The fox, who was waiting for him on the bed, got out of the quilt.

Shaking the fur on his body, he squeaked and looked at him.

The head is slightly tilted, and the fluffy and soft fur is under the candlelight, like a burning cloud in the sky, fiery red, very bright and beautiful.

It's so beautiful that you can't take your eyes off it.

When the boy saw it, he rushed over.

Hug it and bury your head in its fur.

It seemed relieved.

"Little raccoon..."

"Little raccoon is so cute..."

It was the first friend he'd ever made, and he loved it, nervously.

I'm afraid it's gone, I'm afraid it's gone.

"Little raccoon..." He stroked its furry body and rubbed it lightly.

Rubbing it's very fragrant and fragrant smell, hug it tightly.

"Little raccoon...we are good friends, we are the best best friends in the world, you can't leave, you know that?"

His voice was soft and limp, and his thin body clings to it.

As if nothing was enough.


It flicked its big tail and rested its head quietly on his shoulder.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, lazily.

be a response.

Very psychic response.

The teenager hugged it, took off his shoes, and went to bed.

With a small body, there is not much flesh on his body.

Covered with a thin, patched quilt, it was covered.

Wrap it tightly and hold it.

"Little raccoon, let's sleep well."

"Wait until tomorrow, tomorrow I will go to the mountain to collect dry firewood."

"Five catties of dry firewood can be exchanged for ten copper coins. At that time, you can buy one steamed bun and two meat buns."

"Then I'll pick up ten catties tomorrow, and then I'll buy meat buns for you to eat."

"The meat buns are delicious, you will definitely like them, little raccoon."

"If you can't get enough meat buns, then I'll pick up more dry firewood and buy you meat."

"You are a fox, and the fox wants to eat chicken, so I will buy chicken, big and fat chicken."

"I'll give you all the meat. I will cook it deliciously and feed you well."


The beautiful fox wrapped in a quilt, with moist eyes like black grapes, struggled a bit.

Breaking off the quilt, he stood up.

"Little raccoon?"

The boy saw it moving, and subconsciously, he was about to get up.

But the fox lifted his front paws and held him down.

He picked up a corner of the quilt, flicked his tail, and covered him with the quilt.

The boy froze.


To cover the quilt.

(End of this chapter)

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