Chapter 1947 Tribulation (21)

The extremely humane fox pulled the quilt to cover his whole body.

Then, he got into the quilt by himself.

Curled up all fours, lay down, and leaned against his side.

The head rubbed against him affectionately, and even licked him.


Go to sleep.

The boy stared at it intently.

"... ouch?"

It tilted its head, looking a little innocent.

Like asking, what's wrong?
The boy lowered his eyes.

An unknown emotion appeared in his eyes, which flashed and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Quiet for a moment.

He turned sideways and hugged it.

The head can't wait to be close to it.

Hoop it and use all fours.

Like human chains.

"Little raccoon...we are good friends."

He stroked its soft, fine-to-the-touch fur with a muffled voice.

"You are not allowed to go, do you understand?"

"Good friends will always be together, and I will always support you."

"From now on, we'll live here, okay?"

"..." The fox blinked and squeaked.

It's an answer.

it says.

The boy is satisfied with this.

"Little raccoon...Little raccoon..."

"You are my little raccoon..."

He fell silent, in the sound of the strong wind whistling outside.

Quietly holding the soft warmth in my arms, smelling its scent.

He closed his eyes contentedly, his arms still tightly wrapped around them.

Afraid that it would run away while he was asleep.

"Little raccoon..."

Contentedly buried in its soft fur, he rubbed against it.

Like a cheerful little cub, showing a childish side.

Childish and innocent, no thoughts yet.

The fox looked at him, his eyes softened.

Without moving, only lightly, the paw rested on his body.

It is the posture of embracing, giving him support.


Don't be afraid, in the future... there will be me.

The paw patted him gently, as if coaxing a baby.

The boy closed his eyes, and the corners of his lips were curved.

Hold tight.

"Little raccoon..."




The boy had a dream.

For the first time in a long time, a real dream.

The dream is very warm, from beginning to end, very warm.

It's like the temperature on the little raccoon's body, it's warmer than a stove.

He likes it very much, likes it very much.

I like it so much I don't know what to say.

In the dream, he saw a woman.

Wearing a red cloak and a red velvet skirt are stunning.

Running towards him, in the rain, on the icy ground.

He couldn't move, and he couldn't see her face clearly.

His vision was hazy and cloudy.

I can only feel the warm and strong fragrance on her body.

Like sparks, it got into his body.

melted in cold blood, and—

Completely ignite.

So warm and so hot.

It was so hot that he could only feel the warmth of her body and the softness of her palm.

She was stroking him gently, carefully.

As if, he is her treasure.

He was at a loss and at a loss.

Looking at her, hazy, unable to see the face clearly.

Only the bright and warm colors can be seen clearly.

It is red, just like the red on the little raccoon.

The same.

The breath on the body is also the same.

He froze.

Subconsciously, he rubbed his eyes.

"Little raccoon..."

As soon as the words fell, the person who was stroking him tenderly stopped moving.

Then, suddenly changed.

It turned into a fiery red and beautiful big fox, with its head raised, and sat in front of him.

The big tail behind him flicked lightly and let out a cry.

The voice was soft and a little milky.

(End of this chapter)

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