Chapter 1966 Tribulation (40)

The fox demon looked cold, and quickly put away that terrifying face.

The land old man looked at the woods, then at her, and sighed.

"Tell me about you, what are you doing to scare them? They are all still children..."

The fox demon looked at him coldly.

"Then you should be glad they're kids."

If they were not children, it would not be such a simple scare today.

She turned around coldly and closed the door.

With a bang, it shuts.

The poor door shook again.

Still tenaciously supporting.

The land old man looked at the closed gate and was silent for a moment.

Shaking his head, he didn't say anything.

Walking on crutches.

Before leaving, I didn't forget to take care of my messed up hair.

"Those dead kids..."

He was limping and cursing.




The children cried and ran down the hill.

The little boy who peed his pants ran last.

The belt was loose, so he carried it while running.

The snot and tears flowed together, and the shoes all ran away.

"Wait for me—wait for me—"

He chased after him with all his strength, tears were streaming down his eyes, and his eyes were covered with tears.

The snot all flowed into the mouth.

If you take two steps, you will trip over a stone and fall again.

His nose was bruised and his face was swollen, so he was in a panic.


The children cried in unison.

The boy who was going up the mountain with a basket on his back happened to run into them.

Seeing them, the boy was taken aback for a moment.

I wanted to avoid it, but those children didn't seem to dare to trouble him anymore, and ran away from him crying.

He kept yelling, there are monsters, there are monsters.

The young man has a thin body, carrying a big basket on his back.

Grasping the straps of the pannier with both hands, he immediately raised his eyes upon hearing this.

The hand gripping the belt tightened.

"Woooooo...I want to go home..."

The little boy who peed on his pants and was holding up his pants comically ran past him.

Urine dripped all the way.

The young man standing aside should have been quietly avoiding him.

But for some reason, she suddenly stretched out her hand, grabbed the little boy's clothes, and forcibly pulled him back.

I don't know where such a lot of strength came from.

"What did you see?"

On his fair face, the pupils of his eyes were pitch-black, a little scary.

The strength to hold him was extraordinarily strong.

The little boy who was streaming with snot and tears was stunned for a moment.

The next second, she cried even louder.

"Monsters - woo woo woo woo, there are monsters in your house - monsters that can eat people -"

"Wooooow I'm going home—I'm going home—"

His trousers dropped and lifted, lifted and dropped.

The cry was loud and loud, crying loudly.

The boy with the basket on his back grasped the belt tightly.

Let go of him, without saying a word, and ran directly in the direction of his home.

Running fast, even a little eager.

The little boy who was still stubbornly holding up his wet pants stood there, crying.

The smelly liquid was still dripping, and the dripping wet the ground.

He wiped his face.

Mouth full of snot.

"Woooooo...I want to go home..."




The boy with the basket on his back pushed open the dilapidated door.

In the clean yard, there was the creaking sound of the door.

Staggeringly, the door panel was slapped against the wall.

There was another clicking sound at the joint, as if it was about to break.

The skinny boy left the basket and ran straight to the straw hut without closing the door.

"Little raccoon—"

(End of this chapter)

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