Chapter 1967 Tribulation (41)

He entered the house, and the room was silent.

Inside, it was empty and there was no sound.

A little too quiet.

"Little raccoon?"

The boy lifted off the somewhat messy quilt.

It was still empty, without the fiery red figure.

His eyes were red and he panicked.

"Little raccoon, don't make trouble, little raccoon... This game is not fun..."

His voice trembled, about to choke.

"Little raccoon?"

He looked around, but still couldn't find it.

Hands are shaking.

"Little raccoon—"

He ran out of the house and was about to go to the small kitchen.

But in the next second, that fiery red figure appeared.

Like a dexterous and skilled hunter, he pounced on him at once.


I'm here.

The boy hugged it tightly.

"Little raccoon—"

His eyes were red, his eyelashes were wet, and he hugged it tightly in an instant.

Hug it tightly and bury your head in its soft fur.

"Where did you go?! Why are you running around!?"

He was loud and fierce.

Choked up, with faint panic and anger.

Very annoyed.

"Didn't I tell you not to run around!?"

He seemed to be throwing a tantrum.

Get very, very angry.

The tone became rushed.

"How can I find you if you run around!?"

"Why are you disobedient again!?"

"Why can't you be obedient!?"

He was yelling at it, yelling loudly.

"..." The fox that was hugged tightly drooped its pointed ears.

The beautiful and moist eyeballs were black and moist, looking at him.

It was quiet for a while, and then there was a low, whimpering sound.

The tail also drooped down, and some dared not move.

I do not have……

It drooped its ears, and seemed a little aggrieved.

It was in the kitchenette and was looking for something to eat.

As a result, he came back suddenly, and kept calling it, and it obviously answered——

He didn't hear it.

The pretty fox felt a little sad because of his fierceness, Qinglian's eyes were pierced, and he let out an aggrieved voice.

Soft and milky.

Aggrieved, ears drooping.

The whole little pitiful little pitiful being inexplicably vicious.

The boy sniffed.

With red eyes, he hugged it tightly.

He carried it back to the house and hugged it in his lap.

Hold it and kiss, one by one.

The voice softened.

"Don't run around, you know?"

"You are my only friend. I will be sad when you are gone, and you don't want me to be sad, right?"

"..." The fox looked at him with drooping ears and moist eyes, very quiet.

The boy gently stroked its back and rubbed its soft fur.

Press against its head and rub against it.

Rubbing non-stop, the slender and thick eyelashes were moist.

Moist and trembling.

"Little raccoon...Little raccoon..."

You are my little fox.

Whether it's a fox or a demon.

He took its front paw and kissed it.

Sucking his nose, his mood seemed to calm down.

"I thought you were gone..."

He hugged it, bowed his head and mumbled.

"You scared me...Little Fox."


The fox looked at it quietly, leaned over and licked him.

for comfort.

The boy pursed his lips and wiped his eyes.

He stared at it with dark eyes and rubbed its ears.

Some tenderness.

"I'm sorry, I hurt you just now..."

"It won't happen in the future, don't be angry, okay?"


I know, it's okay.

It tilted its head and rubbed against his palm.

The teenager looked at it, sniffing.

The corners of the mouth curled up.

"Little raccoon is really nice."

Little fox is the best fox in the world.

he thinks.

(End of this chapter)

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