Chapter 1988 Tribulation (62)

The sleeves are very big, wearing them on her body makes her slender and extremely tall.

She was wearing black hair, just standing there, with a gorgeous face.

Her lips were still red, and her complexion was still white.

She was white and her eyes were rippling.

Looking at him quietly, with his hands behind his back, he twisted his slender fingers slightly.

Looking at him, she moved her lips, as if she wanted to say something.

Su Chen glanced at her, said nothing, and closed the door casually.

He untied the thin clothes on his body and put them aside.

He walked over and hugged her directly.

The belt around his waist was untied again and thrown aside.

He carried her to the bed and held her down.

Obviously, you have to continue to complete the unfinished things just now.

But when he was about to take the next step, under the light of the candle, the beautiful fox demon suddenly pressed his shoulder.

It was like this again, holding down his movements.

The black hair was scattered, and her beautiful eyes were as clear as peaches and plums.

She just looked at him quietly, her red lips pursed slightly.

The sound is a bit small.

Like a cute little fox cub.

"I don't have any intention of doing anything wrong, so don't listen to that stinky monk talking nonsense."

"I don't want anything, and I have no intentions."

"Although I am a demon, I can guarantee that I will never hurt you."


She looked at him, her eyes moved slightly, as if she was serious.

"Do you believe me?"

A man with a naked upper body, his narrow and cold phoenix eyes are dark.

Under the shadowy candlelight, under the eaves of the silence.

Pressing on her body, the big palm full of calluses covered her cheek.

Kneading a bit, the throat rolled slightly, and let out a low hum.

Said he knew.

He traced her eyebrows and eyes softly, pressed her down, and approached her slowly.

When he was about to kiss her lips, he paused a little.

The delicate and beautiful beauty looked at him quietly.

Gently and silently, he blinked.

The soft and slender eyelashes seem to be dyed with a layer of seductive gold powder under the candlelight.

The roots are distinct, gentle and charming.

The slightly raised peach blossom eyes are very attractive.

Clear and full, as if soaked in rippling water.

The beauty is extremely stunning.

The man who had been silent all this time was watching her.

The color of the eyes gradually darkened, and was completely black.

Just looking at her like this, the hand covering her cheek slowly moved down.

She curled her lips slightly, and unhurriedly lifted her shirt.

Covering her lips, she seemed to sigh slightly, saying:
"It was me who wanted something wrong...Silly girl."

It should be said that he is the one who has always had ulterior motives and bad intentions.

He held her hand and pressed it to one side.

It seemed that there was no effort, but when the slender and white hand tried to break free, it couldn't move.

He breathed intertwined with her, it was different from the fierce one just now, this time, he was much gentler.

Gentle and soft, like the warmed fruit wine.

The entrance is mellow and sweet, but the stamina is great.

It is very easy to make people drunk, weak in limbs and confused in mind.

Boiling the frog in such warm water gradually made the pretty fox beautify.

Her eyebrows were bright and bright, and her beautiful and moist eyes were moist, and she looked at him quietly.

The held hand shrank a little.

Subconsciously want to struggle.

But soon, he tightened his grip.

The hand that was supposed to hold the pen and paint, had distinct knuckles, slender roots, and was as white as jade.

Just tighten it, suddenly tighten it.

Hold on, hold on.

Doing something unethical.

(End of this chapter)

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