Chapter 1989 Tribulation (64)

"..." She grabbed her hand and wiped it.

The palm is smooth, everything is as usual, and I feel nothing.

It seemed that the burning pain just now was just an illusion.

Strange illusion.

She kept silent, raised her eyes, and stared at the white mist all around the sky.

Staring quietly, slowly, lowered his hand.

Be still.

"Is it a dream..."

she muttered to herself.

always feel...

She is dreaming.

Still a lucid dream.

She looked around, frowning slightly.

She wanted to retreat, but this place was very big, and she seemed to be unable to retreat to the end.

She raised her hand again.

Looked, there is no abnormality.

She pursed her lips slightly.

Is it a dream?
she thought with some uncertainty.

She backed away slowly.

Even with that, he pinched himself.

...It really was a dream, and it didn't hurt at all.

She stepped back, stepping on the cold ground step by step with her bare feet.

Under the white mist, among the water vapor in the sky.

She couldn't see anything, anyone, or anything alive.

It's too quiet here, even a little weird.

Instinctively, she almost wanted to run.

Want to run away from this place.

She backed away slowly, turning around.

next second.

She saw a huge palace.

Resplendent and magnificent.

Ten thousand feet of light, Zixia is magnificent.

High on the ground, standing above the clouds, it is huge, solemn and solemn.

Just like that, it appeared on top of the lingering white mist, shining brightly.

Yun Si was caught off guard and raised her hand to block the too dazzling light.

Narrowing his eyes slightly, he looked in the direction of the palace.

"Zi... Wei... Gong..."

She stopped and murmured the words on the plaque on the palace.

After reading, she was taken aback for a moment.

Immediately, he reacted.

Ziwei Palace, isn’t that——

Spirit world! ? !

She secretly said something bad, and out of the instinct of a demon, she turned around and ran away.

He ran away quickly, with his back to the palace.


The magnificent and huge palace, like a phantom, was located in front of her.

Like a ghost, front, back, left, right.

All are surrounded.

Surround her, there is no way to retreat.

She turned and looked around.






Waking up from the dream, Yun Si was sweating all over.

Drenched in sweat, he suddenly opened his eyes and sat up.

With disheveled hair hanging down, she was wearing a thin plain dress.

Plain white unlined clothing, the back is full of sweat.

The clothes were soaked, and the fragrance of flowers was so strong that it filled the whole room.

She was sitting on the bed, with a quilt around her waist, her eyes downcast, panting low.

His chest was heaving violently, and both hands were clutching the quilt tightly.

He was sweating profusely, his face was pale, and his lips were bloodless.

It was like having a long, long nightmare, and her body was terribly cold.

At this moment, the sky is already bright.

The house is quiet.

The window was slightly open, and it was raining outside, and the sound of the rain came from the crack of the open window, moist and cool.

The person sitting on the bed gasped and raised his eyes slightly.

Her pretty little face was pale and covered in sweat.

Yingli's eyes were wet, and after seeing the surrounding environment clearly, she loosened her grip on the quilt slightly.

He lowered his head and let out a long sigh of relief.

There is a sense of afterlife.

She lowered her eyelashes, covered her throbbing heart, and rubbed it.

Talk to yourself.



It's just a dream.


He's still him, not that - weird god.

(End of this chapter)

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