Chapter 1991 Tribulation (65)

She rubbed her heart, and the tense back slowly relaxed.

The sweat-soaked clothes were stuck to her back, feeling a little cold.

She sat there with her head down and her hair loose, calming down for a while.

The environment in the dream was too real, which made her always feel uncomfortable.

She slowly loosened her hand holding the quilt, lifted it up, and looked at it.

White and clean, nothing.

She watched in silence for a while.


The hidden wooden door opened.

A familiar breath came in, accompanied by the sound of light footsteps.

The man was still very plain, and he came in with a washbasin in his white clothes.

The person sitting on the bed, almost subconsciously, lowered his hands and tightened them.

Grabbing the corner of the quilt, she raised her head and looked at him.

The beautiful little face was once a little pale, so white that it was a little frightening.

"Ah... Ah Chen?"

The man who put down the basin and turned his back to her paused for a moment.

Immediately, turn around.

The commoner clothes are simple, the eyebrows are clear and meaningful, and the breath is gentle.

His deep, dark eyes looked at her silently.

Unexpectedly, she didn't respond immediately.

Instead, stand there and stare.

With closed eyes, looking down calmly,

It looks like the god above the fairy clouds in the dream.

Sitting on top of the magnificent and resplendent temple, his face was astonishingly handsome, but his eyes were extremely indifferent and cold, ruthless and indifferent.

Just looking down at her from a high position, like looking at an ant that can be crushed to death at will, looking down at her.

out of reach.

Give her the deadliest and most painful trial.

Knock her down to purgatory, and suffer from the whip of ice and the pain of vultures pecking at her heart every day.

The person who was extremely gentle to her in the past, sitting on the palace, can say extremely hurtful and cruel words.

Every word punishes the heart, and is extremely cool.

She looked at him, almost instantly, as if she had returned to a dream.

It seemed that she hadn't woken up from the dream, hadn't escaped, and couldn't escape.

There is no escape, his severe punishment for her.

The poor little vixen bit her lip slightly.

After meeting his gaze, she tightened her grip on the quilt, and her clear eyes trembled.

Subconsciously, he stepped back.

It is a vigilant posture, with guard.

Slowly, back away, shrinking into the bed.


The man looked at her movements, his expression was normal, and he didn't say anything.

Come over, lean over slightly, and open your arms.

"What's wrong? Had a nightmare?"

The tone was still gentle, as usual.

"..." The pretty girl huddled in the bed hugged the quilt and didn't speak.

The moist bright peach blossom eyes just looked at him so quietly, like a young cub just born, soft and milky.

Drenched in sweat, his slender white fingers tightly grasped the corner of the quilt.

"Ah... Ah Chen?"

She even made a small milk sound on guard.

Carefully, the limbs were shrunk together.

His cheeks were pale and his lips were red and soft.

She looked like a delicate and charming little beauty, moist and sweaty.

Extremely intense floral fragrance.

The man standing by the bed slightly raised the corners of his lips and looked at her with a smile.

Stretching out his hand, it stopped in mid-air, with clear and smooth knuckles.

"come over?"

The tone is gentle like water, too soft.

It's even a little out of the ordinary.

But the man who was still in a state of mental tension didn't notice it, and just stared at him.

Then, his eyes fell on his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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