Chapter 1992 Tribulation (66)

She bit her lip slightly.

He didn't move, he hesitated for a moment.

After a long time, she slowly let go of the quilt.


She rushed over at once, like a fox.

Wrapped around his neck, hugging him tightly.

Moaning softly, her small face kept rubbing against him.

Like an insecure little girl looking for comfort.

It's just acting like a baby, begging for a hug.

The man hugged her kindly.

He paused for a moment when his hand fell on her back.

Immediately, his hands slowly covered her waist.

"Sweating so much?"

He lowered his head and kissed her rosy cheek again.

As intimate as ever.

The vixen buried in his arms hummed sullenly.

Hold him tight, sickly, looking a little listless.

"I had a nightmare, dreaming that you were killing me..."

He still didn't listen to her explanation, insisting that she seduced him.

She was really angry and wronged.

I want to cry.

The man laughed and pinched her cheek tenderly.

"Fool, how could I kill you?"

It's too late for him to be in pain, so how could he be willing to be fierce?
"..." The person holding him muffled and didn't speak.

It seemed that he was really frightened by the nightmare.

The man slowly pushed her away.

"The clothes are wet, I'll get you a dry one."

She sat on the edge of the bed and looked at him.

There were no clothes in the house for her to wear, only his.

He found one of his own from the cabinet and put it on for her.

She was sweating all over, as well as on her forehead.

Su Chen wrung out the towel in the sink, and wiped her face and hands.

Seeing that she was still not energetic, he smiled while wiping her hands.

"Okay, if I really hurt you in the dream, I'll apologize to you, okay?"

"It's all my fault. I shouldn't kill you. I will never do this again, okay?"

"..." She lowered her eyes and stared at him.

I haven't made a sound for a long time.

He wiped her hands clean, got up, and leaned over to kiss her naturally.

Kiss nose, lips.

She didn't hide, but suddenly grabbed his hand.

Catch it, make a sound, and ask gently.

"Then you promise me that if one day you don't like me, or even hate me—"

"Will not."

He interrupted her abruptly, and his tone sank for a moment.

"There is no such if."

Yun Si was taken aback.

In the blink of an eye, his expression became a little scary.

But soon, he returned to his original gentle and clean appearance.

Squat down slowly, next to her legs.

Holding her hand, looking up at her.

Smile slightly, gentle and gentle.

"No, silly girl, don't say that."

"You know, I only have you, and only you."

"It's not possible, don't think about it, okay?"

"..." Yun Si looked down at him.

"Ah Chen, I just... suppose..."

"No assumptions."

he said softly.

He grabbed her hand, put it on his lips, and dropped a pecking kiss.

The deep eyes stared at her closely, like a dangerous beast hiding.

The palm is warm, but it gives people a strange and cold feeling.

He smiled and said, "Don't make such assumptions in the future, okay?"


She curled her lips, "I'm just assuming..."

"Assumptions don't work either."

He got up and pinched her face.

"Don't assume that."

In this matter, he is domineering.

Domineering tight.

She stared at him silently.

"Be obedient, huh?"

(End of this chapter)

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