Chapter 2012 Tribulation Fruit (16)

So, Xiao Chan immediately put down her pen and stood up.

Da da da da, from the group of little fairy children, ran out.

"Sister, what can I do for you?"

With her little head raised, she stood outside the door crisply.

Yun Si made a soft gesture.

"Is the emperor there? I want to find him, but I don't know if it's convenient?"

Xiaochan tilted her head, "I'm not here... Sister, it's a coincidence that you came, grandpa just left again."

"Then, do you know when he will come back? Or on weekdays, when will he be there?"

"Well..." Xiao Chan thought for a while, "Normally speaking, I can't tell you."

But since Grandpa Shenjun said that she should not be messed with, then probably...

Is it okay to say it?
She rubbed her chin, as if something happened, "If my sister wants to find grandpa, you can come back tomorrow."

"Tomorrow is Grandpa's holiday. Grandpa will stay here all day and won't go out. When the time comes, you can see him."

Yun Si understood, bent down, and touched her little head.

"Okay, then I'll come back tomorrow."

"Thank you, Xiaochan."

Xiao Chan blinked and blinked, "You're welcome~"

"However, do you have anything to do with grandpa? If you are in a hurry, I can tell you."

In front of him, the pretty fox-like person smiled slightly and shook his head.

"No, I'll talk to him face to face another day."


Xiaochan scratched her head and looked at her.

She turned around and was about to leave, but suddenly stopped, as if remembering something.

She turned her head, her tone was gentle.

"Xiao Chan, do you know how to get to Ziwei Palace? Can you show me the way?"

Xiaochan let out an ah, confused, "Zi...Ziwei Palace?"

Thinking of something, she looked puzzled.

"Sister, there are no outsiders in the Ziwei Palace, what do you want...?"

Yun Si didn't change her face, she smiled naturally, "Ask casually, I'm curious."

Xiao Chan had no choice but to oh, and pointed to the north direction.

"The Ziwei Palace is in the center of the Nine Heavens, above the Ziwei astrology."

"It's heavily guarded and extremely deserted. It's the place where Her Royal Highness Ziwei lives. Ordinary fairies are not allowed to go there. Once found, they will be locked up immediately."

"Ziwei astrology?" Yun Si looked in the direction she pointed.

Xiao Chan moved closer to her, pointing straight up.

"Hey, look, it's the string of purple constellations, you can see an arrow when you connect them, it's right in the middle, see it?"

Yun Si narrowed her eyes slightly, "Arrow..."


"Well, if you want to find Ziwei Palace, follow the direction pointed by the arrow, you must be right."

Xiaochan paused for a while, and added, "But sister, you must not go, unless you have the order of His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, or His Highness's personal call. Otherwise, the magic soldiers there will directly arrest you and put you in prison." Heaven's prison."

She said, and made a very scary and scary expression.

Yun Si smiled slightly, "Is that so, so scary?"

Xiaochan nodded seriously.

Head shaking, cute and cute.

"His Royal Highness Ziwei is notoriously cold-tempered, and rarely deals with people on weekdays."

"Previously, His Majesty thought that he had made great contributions to expanding the territory, so he pardoned him to live here, and ordered all the immortals not to disturb him."

"So sister, please don't go."

She reminded her very seriously.

There was no sign of joking on his face.

Extremely serious.

"..." Yun Si looked in the direction of Ziwei Xing.

(End of this chapter)

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