Chapter 2013 Tribulation Fruit (17)

"I don't see outsiders..."

That would be a bit of a hassle.

You have to find a way to get close to judge whether it is him or not.

She clicked her tongue and stood up straight.




Lagerstroemia Palace.

A cold and silent palace.

Towering old trees and glazed tile eaves.

The huge and empty courtyard is full of exotic flowers and plants, and the water in the pool is clear.

The Zhumen are closed tightly, and the golden dragon hovers in front of the Zhumen, with golden scales and armor, majestic.

The vast and magnificent stars are dotted with starlight, embellishing the sky.

From time to time, there are meteors passing by, and the streamer suddenly appears.

That bright purple, arrow pointing straight.

Pointing in the direction of Ziwei Palace, it is faintly visible.

Like a god, the beautiful hand slowly fell, silently sympathizing.

Very quiet.

His Highness the Emperor, who returned to the position of God, did nothing after returning.

Just sit quietly in the hall, close your eyes and meditate.

It hasn't moved for a long time.

He has just returned, and his breath is still unstable.


He forced his little fox to ascend to immortality, and carried the thunder calamity for her.

He sat quietly on the high hall, his handsome and cold face seemed faintly pale.

The unattainable and cold breath of exiled immortals adds a bit of fragile and shocking beauty.

Chen Zi is astonishing, dazzling like the moon and stars.

He adjusted his breath, closed his eyes, and sat quietly for a long time.

Finally, he slowly opened his eyes.

His deep and cold eyes lowered his gaze, and fell on the empty and lonely hall.

Empty, just him.

For thousands of years, it seems that it has never changed.

His eyebrows were cold and extremely calm.

Looking at it calmly, the bottom of the eyes are alienated and indifferent, as if they have never had any warmth.

Only the faint smell of blood in the air symbolizes that he is still alive and possesses...

Seven emotions and six desires.

There was a wet and sticky feeling on the back, warm and warm.

The smell of blood spread.

But he seemed to have no feeling, his eyes were extremely calm.

Calmly, looking at the palace.




When he took off his clothes, most of the noble and unadorned robes had been soaked in blood.

At the edges, it had already dried and turned a dull maroon.


He hung the clothes on the rack casually, and suddenly, a handkerchief fell out of it.

The beautiful bright red lightly fell to the ground.

The pattern on it is a crooked fox that looks funny.

The embroidery is rough and the stitches are uneven.

You can tell at a glance that it was made by an unqualified embroiderer.

Inside and out, it's not pretty at all.

The craftsmanship is very clumsy.

The cold and handsome god's eyes fell, and he paused.

Then, very calmly, he picked it up.

The towel is soft, light and thin.

Very fragrant and very fragrant, with the unique breath of the original owner.

He watched quietly, his expression as usual.

The cold white fingertips kept landing on the fox.

Rubbing it, the uneven stitches on it were even a little prickly.

Like that fox, sometimes it will bite people when it is cornered.

Thinking of something, his eyes softened slightly.

At that moment, there seemed to be an indescribable shadow like Su Chen.

The bloodstains on the cold white back were mottled deep into the bone marrow. With his back facing the light, the hand holding the handkerchief slowly tightened.

The delicate fox pattern was held in the palm of the hand.

The faint scent of flowers filled the air, mixed with the smell of blood.

He lowered his brows and eyes slightly, and his expression was vague in the darkness.




(End of this chapter)

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