Chapter 2015 Tribulation Fruit (19)

No one can come in, and no one can go out.

Only the icy god under the towering tree was left behind, and the movement of falling down finally stopped.

Stopped in mid-air, twirling his fingertips.

It stopped for a long time.

The cold and plain sight fell on the chessboard for a long time.

It's like encountering a difficult situation.

His brows were light, and he twitched Heizi's fingertips without moving.

Finally, he suddenly let go.

Heizi made a sound of "Pa-ta--" and immediately fell off the chessboard.

Roll around a few times, and finally roll to the ground.

In the end, it rolled into a few stones and got mixed among them.

The sound has since died down.

It was extremely quiet, without a single sound.

His hand slowly placed on the chopping board.

Tap silently.

one more time.




Yun Si sneaked in over the wall.

I found a corner where the guards were weak, and gestured for an angle.

The Lagerstroemia Palace is huge, astonishingly big, and the walls are even more excessively high.

After a lot of effort, she climbed over the tens of meters of fence.

Then, he jumped off the fence.

At the corner of the wall, there happened to be a piece of soft grass, which acted as a buffer for her.

She stepped on the grass and transformed into a fiery red, fluffy big fox.

Flicking its big tail, it looked left and right, and then nimbly hid behind the tree.

A round head sticks out, the tip of the nose moves slightly, while sniffing, while looking around.

The pointed fox ears couldn't help shaking.

As if... it was really him.

It was like a puppy, sniffing from time to time, smelling a very faint breath in the air.

It's his smell, it will never admit it wrong.

The big fox's black eyeballs are bright, hiding behind the tree trunk, looking up at the resplendent eaves.

After visually measuring the distance and position, it took a step back, and dexterously climbed up the tree.

Jumping from the branch to the eaves, the footsteps are light and light.

In the huge palace, viewed from above, it is extremely empty.

It was empty, except for flowers and trees, there was no one.

It was deserted, as if no one lived there, and there was no human smell at all.

Even if it is shrouded in the sun and sheltered by the auspicious stars, it still gives people a cold feeling.

Refuse to feel the coldness thousands of miles away.

The beautiful big fox stood on the eaves, walking carefully on the glazed tiles.

Don't dare to make a sound to break the quiet here.

It sniffed from time to time, following the faint and cool breath.

The lithe body quickly jumped off the eaves, and then, like lightning, hid behind a tree.

Like a thief, flicking its big tail, bit by bit, poking out its fluffy little head.

Moist eyeballs like black grapes quietly stared at the back under the big tree not far away.

The tip of his nose moved slightly, as if he had finally confirmed something.

It's him.

The tip of the big fox's beautiful tail swayed silently, hiding behind the tree trunk, staring straight at the cold figure not far away.

The pointed ears couldn't help shaking, as if excited.

It subconsciously wanted to go out, pounced on him, just like before, pounced on him and rubbed against him.

But as soon as the soft meat pad took a step outside, its movements became hesitant.

Immediately, he shrank back again.

Just so quietly, hiding behind the trunk, watching him secretly.


It was thinking, what if he didn't recognize it?
A Ling seemed to have said before that after returning from the mortal world, he would not have any memory.

(End of this chapter)

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