Chapter 2016 Tribulation Fruit (20)

He had erased his memory, so naturally he didn't recognize it.

If it ran out so rashly...

The big fox, dressed in fiery red and beautiful, silently hid away again.

The pointed ears slowly drooped down again, lacking energy.

If I don't remember...

Then he and it have to start all over again.

Get to know each other again, find ways to get close again.

The big fox's tail drooped and landed on the grass under the tree.

Not wanting to disturb him, it only poked out a pair of moist eyes behind the tree trunk.

Stare at him, watch his movements.

He didn't know what he was doing, he just sat under the tree, his cold white and slender hands resting quietly on the chessboard.

In such a large and elegant courtyard, it was deserted and quiet.

It's like playing chess, playing alone.

It seemed that he had encountered a huge dead end and hadn't moved for a long time.

No child left.

It watched for a while, but did not see his movements.

Tilting its little head, it retracted silently.

Hide behind a tree trunk, weigh.

To go out... or not to go out?

It was hard to find him, but I was afraid that he would not remember.

In case the first impression didn't make a good one, he threw it out...

The beautiful big fox slowly lowered his head.




After a while, when Leng Buding lifted the back of his neck, the big fox was taken aback.

The slender and white hands pinched the back of its neck and lifted it up.

Lifted in mid-air, the cold and ice-like breath appeared like a ghost, followed by it.

The beautiful big fox caught off guard those pair of ice-cold phoenix eyes.

It is deep and dark, like a deep pool, looking at it.

The big fluffy tail hung down in mid-air.

"..." It suddenly froze.

His limbs curled up subconsciously, and his pointed and drooping ears stood up.

The whole body was round and fluffy, and the wet and seductive eyes looked at him in a daze.

It looks innocent and non-aggressive.

The white fluffy belly is exposed, soft and beautiful.

The man lifted the back of its neck, its cold face was familiar yet unfamiliar.

He has changed, a lot.

Appearance, eyes, breath...

Almost everything has changed.

Become more aggressive and more inviolable.

As if just being watched by him like this, the body can feel a chill and a heavy sense of oppression.

A sense of oppression from the majesty and dignity of the supreme god.

The big fox, pinched by the back of fate's neck, stared blankly at him.

Staring at his familiar yet unfamiliar eyebrows and eyes, staring at his no longer gentle eyes.

When he was in the mortal world, he never looked at it with such eyes, never.

Its heart sank, and its pointed ears slowly collapsed again.

The fox's tail, which was hanging in the air, hooked unconsciously.

Looking at him quietly, without turning into a human form.

Probably thought it wasn't necessary.

it's going to...

Chase it again.

It's downright wilted.

The man looked at it, looked at its wet and attractive eyes, which slowly dimmed.

Like a shiny gemstone, it was covered in ashes, without a trace of light.

Listless, the expression is all written on the face.

I don't know whether to say it is simple or stupid.

With a pale face, he spoke.

The voice was cold and clear, and the meaning was unclear.

"Aren't you going to turn back into a human? Little fox."

The pretty fox was taken aback.

After the words fell, his hand suddenly let go.

The moment it landed, it was forcibly transformed back into a human form.

(End of this chapter)

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