Chapter 2032 Tribulation Fruit (Special Part [-])

Its daybreak.

After a long time, the sky finally dawned.

The idiot who was sitting paralyzed in front of the gate was exhausted, and his tears were also dried up.

His eyes were dead and gray, and he stared blankly at the direction in front of the door.

Like a lifeless sculpture, it has long lost its vitality.

Just so motionless, with wet body and muddy hands.

His face was extremely pale.

It seems to disappear anytime.

Today's weather is excellent, the sun is warm, dispelling the cold at night.

When the light came down, covering her body, the extremely pale skin became almost transparent.

Fragile, as if it would break at the touch of a button.

She seemed to be ignorant, unable to feel the chill all over her body.

The eye sockets were so dry that it hurt, and the cheeks that had been blown all night felt like they had been cut by a knife, and it hurt.

Her make-up has already been worn out, and the carefully worn hairpin is no longer known where it fell.

The bright and beautiful wedding dress covered her whole body, stitch by stitch, was stained with cold mud.

The wet ground is mostly cold and wrinkled, and the originally sweet color seems to be full of bitterness.

It penetrates the skin and spreads silently to the mouth, extremely bitter.

It seems that even the heart is bitter, bitter to the bone.

The land watched her and kept guard.

He wanted to step forward to help her, but he didn't dare.

After guarding all night, his old body couldn't take it anymore, and wanted to go back to rest.

However, she looks like this, which is really unreliable.

Seeing that it was already dawn, there was no movement inside.

The land is not untouched, and naturally knows what happened inside.

In this way, for an infatuated person, seeing his beloved man spend a night with other women, it is natural in his heart...

Will have high mood swings.

Thinking about it this way, he could barely understand why she looked so pitiful.

It's a pity that apart from sympathizing with him, there is nothing he can do.

After all, no one can get in now.

Apart from……

that fox.




After a long time, the closed door finally opened.

Under her gray and hopeless gaze, in the bright sunlight.

He appeared, holding a woman in his arms.

The woman's body was soft, wrapped in a big velvet red cloak, her whole body was tightly covered, she seemed to be still asleep, she was quietly leaning against his arms.

The fox smell all over his body is extremely disgusting.

However, he doesn't seem to smell it.

Still holding her tightly, come out.

Seeing her sitting in front of the door, his gaze was still as if he was looking at a stranger, indifferent and cold, never paying attention to her.

Just glanced at it, then opened it directly.

Holding the woman in his arms, he left.

When passing by her, she could even smell the fragrance of that woman's body, as well as the vaguely indescribable ambiguous smell.

What they did last night speaks for itself.

The man left, hugging the vixen who had spent the night with him.

Leave her behind, an infatuated person.

He didn't even give half a point to his eyes.

She smiled suddenly.

Silently, with a smile.

Lowering his head, his thin and thin shoulders couldn't help shaking, and his nails dug into his flesh and blood again.

Laughing non-stop, the eyes that have been dried up can no longer shed half a drop of tears.

She looked up and laughed, the sun shone on her pale face, even if it was warm, it couldn't warm her eyes.

Laugh out loud.

Ignorance is endless.


From the beginning to the end, she was just a joke...

One, a complete joke.

She smiled, her dry eyes silently leaked tiny tears.


Dropped, never to be seen again.

(End of this chapter)

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