Chapter 2033 Tribulation Fruit (Fanwai [-])

——Su Chen——

— about that woman —




That woman is very strange.

From the moment she appeared, she followed her all the time, like an annoying fly, she couldn't be chased away no matter how hard she tried, it was very annoying.

I don't like people following me, never have.

Every time she looked at me, it was too strong and too straightforward.As if I was the lover she was looking for so hard that I couldn't be separated.

It made me feel very uncomfortable.

Feeling uncomfortable.

Obviously we have never met before, but she always looks like that——

It's really strange.

I do not like.

I don't like it at all.

I don't need her help, because I can live well by myself.

I just want to be alone.




Why don't you like it?

I haven't thought about this question.

Probably because I was born not to like others.

A fortune teller once said that I carry the fate of Gusha on me, and no one will be happy for it.

So, if you don't like it, you don't like it. How can there be any reason?
Wouldn't it be more comfortable to be alone?



But she seemed to be on guard all the time, as if she was guarding against something.

She didn't want me to go up the mountain, she seemed to be afraid of what might happen to me.

But what can I encounter?

A stupid little fox?




The little fox was met while chopping wood. It is very small and cute.

Will sneak behind the bushes and peek at me.

Very spiritual.

It thought I didn't know, but I did.

I don't know why, but I always find it the first time.

It is very timid, it will only hide behind the tree secretly, curled up in a ball, and will not make a sound.

But it is also very obedient, and it will come over with a fish in its mouth from time to time, put it on the tree stump, then kick the stone, make a movement, and want me to find it.

What a silly fox.

It looks cunning, but it will always be stupid, and it doesn't even know that its tail is exposed.




Probably because life is too boring and I always want to have fun.

When I set a trap in the mountains, I just want to catch it and let it fall into my trap.

If that stupid little fox fell into the hole, it would definitely scream out in a hurry.

In this way, there is no way to hide it anymore.

If you can catch it and tease it, it will be very interesting to think about it.




It's just that the fox didn't catch it, but lost a stupid wild boar.

The wild boar frantically bumped into the trap, trying to find an exit.

When I was about to catch wild boars, it was no surprise that I saw that touch of color in that inconspicuous corner again.

There, again, the tail was not hidden, and half of it was exposed.

Wobbled, silly tight.

The silly fox seemed to be giving him the wild boar as a gift.


I don't know why, but I want to grab it even more.

Want to catch it, press its tail, tell it idiot.




The appearance of the snake demon was an accident.

But for the first time, I felt that the accident happened just right.

Fortunately, I found out that the stupid little fox can turn into a human.

Turn into such a good-looking appearance, stand in front of me, and protect me.

It was so dangerous at that time, and the snake demon was so vicious.

She chased away the snake demon, turned around, ran over with concern and eagerness, and asked about my injuries.

I was looking at her face, what was I thinking?

I'm thinking…… have to catch this cunning fox.

Take her home and raise her well.

Only in this way can we behave well and know that people's hearts are sinister.

(End of this chapter)

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