Chapter 2034 Tribulation Fruit (Fanwai [-])

When did that woman leave?
I do not know.

I haven't paid much attention to it.

All I know is that I'm getting married.

and a silly fox.

After that night, I told her that I would be responsible.

Because it was my fault, so I have to make up for her.

She agreed, her beautiful eyebrows curved into bright crescent moons.

It is beautiful, even more beautiful than the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen.

Simple and pure, what a silly fox, just getting married can be so happy.




They said that once you get married, it's time to settle down.

To choose a place to live in, you have to prepare a lot of things.

I know that now I am not alone, I still have a very delicate fox.

She followed me, so I'm going to treat her well.

She can't be bumped and bumped, and she can't be made to suffer or shed tears.

I want to treat her better, better, to make up for my mistakes that night.




But then, she seemed sad.

Because I said, I want to make up for her.

She asked me sadly, did you marry her because you wanted to make up for your mistakes?

When she asked me, she lowered her head and seemed a little bit lost.

That night, she also ate very little, only drinking some soup.

Don't stick to me anymore, just ask and answer.

She's alienating me, and I know it.




But I don't like her alienation.

I don't like it at all.

I like her eyes, I like her smiling at me, I like her like a child, no matter what, she rushes over happily and hugs me.

I like everything about her and don't know why.

Everywhere is so to my liking, and everything is so good.

Wherever it is, it is so joyful.




I thought about it for a long time and kept thinking about her question.

In the end, I answered her in the most serious and serious tone, no.

Because it is her, so I like it.

The absurdity of that night, in fact, I am very glad.

Fortunately it is that silly fox who can only hide behind the tree secretly, fortunately it is her, fortunately it is the girl I like.

Well, I like it.

I don't know when I started to like her, probably when she was a little fox and secretly sent gifts...

Or when she showed her tail when she was hiding and didn't know it.

In short, just like it.

I like her sly look, and also like her sometimes silly little expression.

Marrying her was not just because of wanting to be responsible at first.

Or because...

Want to catch her.

I don't want her to always hide and never show up.


She really married me. On the wedding night, she hugged me and said softly that she would treat me well for the rest of her life.


I thought, I don't believe it.




However, I feel more and more that life is too short.

It is so short that every day is particularly precious, and I can't bear it at all.

It's an amazing feeling to be with her.

It's as if two people have lived together for a long time, everything fits so well and is just right.

In the past, I never believed in the theory of past and present lives.

But now, I start to believe it.

It must be because I loved her too much in my previous life, so in this life, we meet again.




I said these words to her word for word, very seriously.

After listening to it, she didn't say anything, just smiled.

He whispered something stupid, and then hugged me.

I thought about it, it was not.

I'm not stupid, I'm just...

I like her, that's all.

I like it very much.




—End of extra episode—

(End of this chapter)

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