Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 2036 Give you the scales

Chapter 2036 Give You the Scales (2)

H-312 Laboratory.

When Researcher Abigail received the order from his superiors to come to inspect, he was dealing with the similar objects that had just been captured from the planet B9856.

The quasi-humans who have just been arrested to the research institute will become extremely restless after leaving the familiar environment of their hometown.

For some larger ones, the sedatives will take a little longer to take effect.

Therefore, before the tranquilizers take effect, the quasi-humans tend to be manic and hurt people.

This time is often the most frustrating time in the laboratory.

Abigail was wearing a white coat and glasses. After receiving the notification, she typed a few lines on the optical computer.

Shut the analogs directly into the control room.

The control room is made of the tightest and hardest materials, so there is no need to worry about things being forced open.

Abigail put down her work and came to the reception room with a group of researchers.

Standing side by side, waiting for the people sent to inspect.

During the few minutes of waiting, he also carefully looked at the notice that was sent down.

The one who came this time is said to be the first-class meritorious general of the empire, whose status and prestige are close to that of Mr. President.

In many wars, it has won more with less and won a big victory.

But the general was old, and it was said that this was his last visit before retiring.

The chief issued an order, requiring the people in the laboratory to receive him with the highest courtesy.

There must be no errors.

So, Abigail stood in front of the line, waiting in front of the transmission ladder.





After 2 minutes, a small and precise battle armor aircraft passed through the transmission ladder and slowly landed.

The cold machine made a crisp sound when it hit the ground.

Abigail led a team and stepped forward immediately.

The doors of the aircraft opened quickly.

But what landed was not an elderly general full of meritorious service, but a...


Abigail paused.

She seemed to be the only one on the aircraft. She got off the aircraft, wearing a black windbreaker and a high ponytail.

With long and straight legs, he walked over.

The face is very beautiful, glamorous and beautiful, like a rose with thorns.

With a cold face, she came over and showed her ID.

The commander of the second-level general of the empire——Yun Si.

Abigail looked at her papers and heard her speak, her voice cold and businesslike.

"The general is unwell and sent me to inspect."

"The notification file should have been sent to your optical brain now, you can open it and have a look."

Abigail immediately turned on the optical brain in her hand.

With a few clicks, the email opens.

After a quick scan, he turned off his optical brain and bowed slightly.

"Welcome, General Yun."

"You can just call me Miss Yun," the cold and tall woman in front of her received her ID with a calm expression.

"This inspection is routine, and I'm the only one. The general said, you just do what you want, and you don't need to pay too much attention to this inspection."

"The president's side, the general will watch and say."

It means, this time, it should just be a formality.

Only then did Abigail relax a little.

"Okay, Miss Yun, thank you for your hard work this time."

The woman in front of her nodded, "Lead the way."

Abigail immediately gestured please.

"Miss Yun, please."

He leads the front, and the woman looks behind.

Others were left, and this returned to his post.

Continue with the task at hand, as usual.

(End of this chapter)

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