Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 2037 Give you the scales

Chapter 2037 Give You the Scales (3)

At this time, L86C laboratory.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the researchers strictly followed the arrangement and poured the large chunks of whale meat into the pool.

In the clear pool, water splashed everywhere, and the bloody water from the meat quickly soaked the entire clean pool.

The piece of meat fell slowly due to gravity.

Before it even landed in the center of the large pool, the piece of meat was instantly bitten and scrambled for.

Flesh was bloody, and the spray of blood-dissolved water splashed.

The water surface fluctuated violently, and the wall of the pool was also slapped, trembling violently.

The researcher carried an empty bucket and watched the mermaid-like creatures in the transparent pool.

They have human mermaid tails, dark and ugly tails, covered with scars that symbolize strength.

The pieces of meat fell, and they frantically tore away.

Like a ferocious beast, the fingers grew sharp armor.

When the fins burst out, they will unfold instantly, turning into blades that cut iron like mud.

If they get entangled together, they will cut apart each other's flesh and blood.

Some even have ugly barbs.

Several mermaids fought together, and the dark green blood soon filled the entire large pool.

The pieces of meat are large and plentiful, enough for them to eat a meal.

But their nature is to grab, the more the merrier.

Even if there is already meat in their mouths, they will still feel dissatisfied by swallowing frantically.

It's better to keep all the meat for yourself.

Even if it hurts the same kind, they don't care.

Cold-blooded and selfish by nature, it's like the magnified ugly side of a person.

Completely and completely, all the malice was exposed without any concealment.

The researcher stood by the pool, admiring the wonderful picture of their snatching, while recording their behavior and mental state.

"Experiment No. 3... has good attack power..."

"Experiment No. 5... strong bite force..."

"Experiment No. 1..."

He typed and looked up.

"Experiment No. 1..."

His input stopped for a moment.

The food grab in the pool is over.

The few mermaids, those with strong attack power, had already eaten and drank enough, and landed in the corner of the pool.

The old wound on the tail was newly wounded, and it was still bleeding, and it seemed that it didn't feel any pain. The tail slapped on the bottom of the pool.

The pool was muddy, mixed with two colors of blood, and the water surface fluctuated.

The highly intelligent sensing machine will operate quickly after detecting the pollution in the pool.

The pool gradually became clearer.

The rest of those who didn't have enough to eat had a lot of injuries on their bodies.

The newspaper group leaned against the other side of the pool as if to keep warm, forming two small groups with clear distinctions.

No one cares about each other.

The researcher took a step closer, realizing something was wrong.



There is one less!
Subject No. [-] is gone.

The researcher's expression changed.

As if he couldn't believe his eyes, he counted several times in detail.

Five, still five.

……This is impossible.

The pool has always been under control, and it is extremely closed and safe.

Overnight, how could Experimental No. [-]——

He hurriedly put down the recorder, turned on the main brain of the laboratory, and checked the monitoring.

However, the monitoring has not had time to open.

The door of the laboratory suddenly beeped, and the human eye recognition showed that someone had come through.

The flustered researcher immediately stood up straight and looked over.


It was Abigail who came, followed by a woman.

Strange beautiful woman.

(End of this chapter)

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