Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 2051 Give you the scales

Chapter 2051 Give You the Scales (17)

He covered his ears a little irritably, and slapped the silver fish tail to the bottom of the pool angrily.

There was an astonishing wave suddenly on the surface of the water, and with a crash, it slapped against the wall of the pool.

The water splashed and directly wet the lawn beside the pool.

The beautiful change of circumstances did not improve his mood at all.

He was expressionless, staring coldly at the beautiful coral reef.

Even the shiny things that he likes most on weekdays can't cheer him up.

He turned his eyes away, flicked his powerful tail, and clapped again——

The coral reef weighing dozens of kilograms was instantly overturned.

It slapped heavily on the pool wall, cracking into several large gravels and countless small gravels.

It fell to the bottom of the pool, and the gravel floated on the water.

Without looking at it, he sank to the bottom.

I'm so bored!
Nasty woman!
The mermaid, who is uncertain about the weather, doesn't know what is angry at this moment.

In short, just angry.




After the robot left, Yun Si had nothing to do.

If he can't go to the back garden, he will be afraid, but she is also on leave now, and there is nothing to do.

Wearing loose pajamas, with her hands behind her back, she swayed around the huge villa.

Unable to find anything to do, she simply found a few books.

Drag a chair and pull it to the open-air balcony on the second floor near the back garden.

Read a book and drink tea leisurely.

Sometimes when I get tired of reading, I put down the book and lean on the balcony with light steps.

Looking down, looking at the pool.

Look at the dazzling silvery white in the pool.

When it was time for dinner, she went down and cut up pieces of raw meat.

Wearing gloves, place cuts of meat on a tray.

She didn't need a robot to help, she came by herself, and took the opportunity of feeding to see him.

Even if he always ignores her.

When she appeared, he tended to huddle in a corner, motionless.

They also ignored the meat she dropped.

Only after she leaves does he start eating.

Small sips, holding it in both hands.

Like a noble kitten who has only been trained in etiquette, even the movement of eating is extraordinarily delicate.

Not embarrassed at all.

There was no surveillance in the backyard, so Yun Si squatted on the balcony on the second floor and watched him secretly.

Like a perverted idiot.

And the mermaid with excellent hearing stopped every time she appeared on the second floor.

Then, deadpan. annoying woman.

His back was facing the balcony on the second floor, but he deliberately didn't face her directly.

As if he wanted to fight her specifically.

Yun Si squatted on the balcony on the second floor, watching him quietly through the crack.

Seeing him eating, she bent her lips slightly, which was satisfied.

At least, he doesn't exclude it.




The day passed quickly.

On the first day of getting along with the piranhas, one person and one fish lived in peace.

At night, Abigail made a video call with her, wanting to ask about the situation of Experimental No. [-].

Yun Si roughly told him about the situation of the day, including that he didn't like to talk to people, and occasionally lost his temper.

After finishing speaking, she wanted to ask him if there was any way to get close to a piranha quickly.

As a result, Abigail's expression was surprised.

Surprised and even asked her details.

A strange and unpredictable expression.

Yun Si: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Why is this expression?

In the Guangxian video, Abigail held her hands, shook her head, and said, "Accordingly, it shouldn't be."

"This kind of mermaid is cold-blooded and carnivorous by nature, especially our human flesh."

(End of this chapter)

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