Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 2052 Give you the scales

Chapter 2052 Give You the Scales (18)

"So, normally, he should find a way to lure you, drag you into the water, and bite you. Why does he ignore you?"

"I find this point very strange, a bit confusing."

"..." Yun Si was silent for a while, "Probably because I'm afraid that if I die, no one will support him?"

In short, he was indeed indifferent to her.

Not like the attitude towards food.

Abigail shook her head, somewhat disapproving of her statement.

"Killing you, he can use your aircraft to take the opportunity to leave here and return to planet BH7687 smoothly. Such a good thing, why doesn't he do it?"


Yun Si couldn't answer.

"So what the professor means is that he... actually has another purpose?"

"It's possible." Abigail didn't deny it.

"He didn't use his mental power to control you, which means he still has concerns."

As for, what are you worrying about...

Then only he himself knows.

Abigail said: "No matter what, you should be careful. He is a piranha and he eats human flesh. In his eyes, you are actually no different from a piece of freshly baked snack."

"So, to be safe, please remember, don't look him in the eyes, don't get close, don't try to touch him, otherwise, he can kill you easily, without any effort."


She also wanted to get close, but she couldn't get close at all...

Yun Si felt helpless.

He doesn't like her, and it's not easy for her to force her.

Compared with him ignoring her now, she thought it would be better for him to bite her.

At least, there is still some progress.

After cutting off the video call, Yun Si got up and went upstairs.

Wearing slippers, I came to the balcony on the second floor.

Standing on the edge of the balcony, leaning on the handrail with both hands, looking down, feeling a little depressed.

Seen from above, the back garden is pitch black.

I can only use the lights on the second floor to slightly illuminate the huge and clean pool.

Without the disturbance of others, there is no bright light.

That silver-colored and crystal-clear mermaid is like an extremely beautiful water elf at this moment, flipping its tail fin and clattering the water surface.

Like an innocent child, playing with water, and like a bad mood, pat casually.

In short, he was obviously much more comfortable in the space without other people.

At least, he won't be huddled in a corner, maintaining such a pitiful and weak posture all the time.

Yun Si lay on the balcony, watching.

After watching for a while, she left quietly.

Still did not choose to disturb.

After all, she always wanted him to be more at ease.




After her figure left the balcony on the second floor, on the first floor, in the pool.

The beautiful and fair mermaid stopped slapping the water.

The water was choppy and icy cold.

In the dim light, there will be faintly translucent fluorescent fish tails, which gradually become dimmed.

In such a dark environment, after the lights on the second floor were turned off.

The mermaid, as beautiful as an elf, slowly surfaced.

The sound of the water is subtle and the tail of the fish is powerful.

In the dim light, he was the only one left in the huge courtyard.

He looked out of the pool without emotion.

After watching for a while, he raised his head and stared in the direction of the second floor.

Staring at it for a long time, I don't know what to think.

Finally, he gave a fishtail slap.

In an instant, the water splashed.

It was loud.

The shaking pool seemed to tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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