Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 2053 Give you the scales

Chapter 2053 Give You the Scales (19)

The detection screen of the console fluctuated violently, and an alarm popped up, indicating that the pool wall was damaged.

Second floor, bedroom.

The person who was about to fall asleep just now received the news immediately.

A light screen appeared in the room, and a red alarm with a triangular symbol was issued.

The beeping sound reminded her that there was a change in the pool, and the damage to the pool wall reached level three.

She sat up all at once, completely sleepless.

Fearing that something might happen to a bad-tempered fish, she immediately got out of bed and went downstairs.

The house intelligently senses the owner's movements, immediately adjusts the mode, and turns on soft lights.

With messy hair, she pushed open the door leading to the backyard.


In the silent backyard, only the sound of the siren kept ringing.

In that huge pool, the water surface is calm and the waves are slightly undulating.

There was nothing, only the wet water stains that splashed out and fell on the grass next to it.


She grabbed the doorknob and stood there, watching.

The siren then went off.

This time, there was no sound at all, except for the sound of his slightly rapid breathing and the sound of his heartbeat.

She breathed a sigh of relief and walked over.

Walking to the pool, the clear and clean water silently reflected her figure.

The water surface was swaying slightly, and the reflection was also swaying, reflecting her pure white pajamas and that thin white arm.

She stood by the pool, squatted down, hugged her legs, and looked at the bottom of the pool.

Under the clear and transparent pool, that beautiful and bright silver tail was swinging slowly.

The amplitude of the swing is somewhat small.

The tail fin, which was as clear as gauze, stretched silently, looking soft, against the alluring scales, in the dim light, there was a gleaming silver light.

Smooth lines, firm and powerful.

She met his eyes, those blue and clear eyes were like beautiful eyes filled with stars and seas.

Under the water, in the cool waves.

He finally raised his face, that snow-white and beautiful face that took people's breath away.

Like a flawless angel who accidentally descended from heaven to the world, with white and soft eyebrows, and lips as tender as flowers.

In the clear water, the silver hair could barely cover his cheeks, but it couldn't hide a ten thousandth of his stunning beauty.

The person standing by the pool met his pure childlike eyes.

She froze slightly and blinked.

The hand holding his knee tightened a bit.

The backyard was very quiet, so quiet that no sound could be heard.

The lights turned on automatically, illuminating the cold pool.

The surface of the water is calm, with only a few waves from time to time.

Refracting the light that is not too strong, it is shiny, as if sprinkled with broken diamonds.

The strong salty smell in the air penetrated into the nostrils.

She looked at him, and slowly stretched out her hands on her knees.

The slender fingers touched the water surface tentatively and lightly.

I want to be friendly.

The beautiful silver-colored mermaid stared at her without moving.

The slowly wagging tail stopped.

His eyes fell on the palm of her hand, and he couldn't figure it out.

I don't know what I'm thinking, it's a little too quiet.

It was eerily quiet.

Yun Si crouched by the pool, still remembering the instructions Professor Abigail gave her.

Piranhas are ferocious by nature and should not be approached.

Even if he doesn't hurt anyone now, it doesn't mean that he won't be angered.

So, it's better not to push too hard.

(End of this chapter)

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