Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 2054 Give you the scales

Chapter 2054 Give You the Scales (20)

She withdrew her hand again.

Because the fingertips touched the water, they could still feel the cold temperature of the water.

But it was strange that her face was uncontrollably hot, and her heartbeat also accelerated, beating so fast that she couldn't feel the chill.

Instead, she involuntarily looked into his eyes again—those blue and clear eyes that were as charming and dangerous as a whirlpool.

He kept staring at her without moving.

When looking at him, Yun Si gradually felt a palpitation.

I couldn't help but feel hot all over, and there was an inexplicable strange feeling in my chest.

Let her long, long for something.

She looked at him, her clear eyes became slightly blurred.

The water was misty, with a thick layer of water mist, and upon closer inspection, it was still a little lax.

As if bewitched, he stretched out his hand again and gently dipped into the water.

The white and soft fingertips curled up in the water.

On the calm water surface, there was a wave of light ripples.

Silently, a little seductive.

But she soon regained consciousness, and her wet eyes blinked, becoming clear again.

Shaking his head, the heat on his cheeks did not dissipate.

I can only feel that my hands are cold, soaked in the pool, chilly.

She withdrew her hand immediately.


Is this trying to control her?

She stood up.

The beautiful silver-colored mermaid seemed to have played enough, lazily, and lowered its eyelids.

He stopped looking at her and lowered his head again.

Still ignoring her, extremely indifferent.

A smooth and powerful fishtail slap——


The calm surface of the pool suddenly set off huge waves.

The waves slapped heavily on the pool wall again, and the water splashed, splashing the lawn again.

Yun Si was caught off guard and was splashed with a few drops.

The cold spray stood on her warm cheeks, she reacted quickly, blocked it, and took a few steps back.

The alarm sounded again.

This time, it was the bottom of the pool that was damaged.

Severely damaged, it was photographed with marks, showing that it was in a state of water leakage.

Yun Si: "..."

She now knew why Professor Abigail said to use a special container for him.

This bad fish, ordinary ones can't hold him at all.




After a few hours, the pool was finally restored.

However, a lot of water leaked out, and the grass could no longer absorb it.

Yun Si, who had dealt with all this well, was tired and sleepy, and her body still smelled of salty and wet.

Some bad fish with bad intentions, as if he was deliberately against her, fixed one, and he broke the other.

All the water in the pool was poured out, so that the grass next to it almost turned into a rice field.

She wasn't wet, but her feet still inevitably got some water.

It's icy cold, full of that damp breath.

She yawned, endured her patience, and manipulated the robot to expel the accumulated water.

In the swimming pool, the water surface was calm, and the bad mermaid who had been making a fuss for a long time finally calmed down.

Floating on the water, lying on the edge of the pool.

The tail is swimming lazily, and the head is propped up, looking at her.

With obvious bad taste.

It was intentional, to tease her on purpose.

Like a bear kid.

Yun Si dealt with the stagnant water, and when she turned around, she saw his lazy and nasty appearance.

Squinting slightly, like an evil black cat licking its own paw.

After meeting her gaze, he blinked innocently again.

(End of this chapter)

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