Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 2055 Give you the scales

Chapter 2055 Give You the Scales (21)

The snow-white and beautiful cheeks looked soft and easy to pinch, and the sharp teeth were exposed.

Licking slowly, revealing his hidden potential aggression.

He looks obedient and fierce, very difficult to mess with.

"..." The man who had been busy all night stared at him with no expression on his face.

No matter how good his temper is, seeing his intentionally mean appearance makes him feel a little uncomfortable.

She lowered her eyes and turned around.

Take a deep breath and calm down.

And that wicked mermaid lying on the edge of the pool looked at her leisurely.

As if trying to annoy her.

But the person with his back to him didn't say anything.

After tossing her for so long, she just cleaned up the mess silently.

Sometimes I yawn quietly.

As if he had no temper.

After dealing with it, she left without scolding him or punishing him.

The cold-hearted mermaid raised her eyebrows, watching her leaving back.

The door closed, and the place became quiet again.

He was the only one left.

He leaned against the pool, looked at the direction she was leaving, and became a little irritable again for no reason.

The fish tail slapped on the water.

It was a bit loud.

Inside the house, the person who was going upstairs stopped in his footsteps.

There was a movement, which almost made her look a little tired.

But fortunately, the alarm did not sound, indicating that nothing happened in the pool.

She twisted her wrist, sighed, and continued upstairs.

After watching him all night, she was really tired.

What's the matter, let's talk about it after sleeping.

She went upstairs and closed the door.

No more reason.





Probably tired, she slept soundly.

Covered with a quilt, he slept until the afternoon, and directly missed the time to feed the mermaid for lunch.

The house senses the state of the owner, and has already intelligently adjusted to the sleep mode.

The whole house fell into a peaceful sleep, including the home robot.

In the study room, the floor-to-ceiling windows connected to the balcony are wide open, facing the sky simulated by the optical brain outside.

The sky is very realistic, and the temperature and humidity of the sun are infinitely close to the values ​​of the earth.

Warm and warm, it is a beautiful weather.

The light screen in the study is in standby mode, and there are several books on the table.

All of them are materials about piranhas, the materials are old, and they are all rare paper books.

There was a wind blowing from somewhere outside, whistling, when the master was asleep, it blew in, blowing away the paper book as thin as cicada's wings.

Unsteadily, it blows to an unknown page.

Above, on the yellowed paper, the fine-tip pen wrote down.

A few paragraphs of text, accompanied by pictures.

At the bottom, in a very small, extremely inconspicuous place, it says——

Care should be taken with piranhas, especially piranhas as adults, which possess the ability to differentiate human legs.

It should not be given the opportunity to get out of the water during domestication, otherwise——

The yellowed pages were slowly closed by a snow-white hand.

The cold snow-colored hands, stained with wet and salty water vapor, are dangerous and beautiful.

Like a perfect work of art.

Just so slowly, he picked up the book.


The books were randomly thrown in the trash can.

Immediately, it was crushed by the smart trash can and turned into that irrecoverable powder.

Water leaked from nowhere on the dry white porcelain floor, dripping and falling to the ground.

The cold water stains spread all the way from the open balcony.

(End of this chapter)

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