Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 2056 Give you the scales

Chapter 2056 Give You the Scales (22)

It has been extending, extending, like a deadly and strange poisonous snake, entering here.

Soon, the optical brain display appeared.

It was quietly operated, and a series of weird numbers were entered.

The optical brain instantly sensed the signal of the virus invasion, and immediately issued an alarm.

But it was too late.

The siren has ceased to sound.

The central core processor that controls the entire house, the indicator light flickered twice abnormally.

Immediately, the normal flickering frequency resumed, making it difficult for people to notice.

On the wet ground, the shadows fell like ghosts, leaving silently.

There was nothing left, only the water all over the ground.

It's cold, wet, and tainted with the bitter saltiness of sea water.

It's very similar to the breath of the mermaid.





Planet BH7687.

When they suddenly received a message from the command center in the theater, the mermaid tribe almost showed an unconcealable excitement.

Although there was only a string of randomly combined characters on it, they could all tell immediately that it was sent by their leader.

The meaning is self-evident.

Their blood boiled with excitement and they cheered vigorously.

The hoarse and piercing cry resounded throughout the entire planet.

It even alarmed the human battlefield camps stationed outside the planet.

The piranhas were unprecedented, showing a momentum of greatly increased morale.

Their language system is very sophisticated, so far, humans have not been able to decipher their language.

So, the folks at the field camp didn't know why they were so excited.

So excited that even the captive mermaids were crazily rushing towards the water dungeon, as if they had taken a highly stimulating stimulant.

The warlike and passionate genes are boiling, and the malice that wants to tear up and destroy everything is spreading and expanding infinitely.

They seemed to be laughing, the corners of their mouths were split, and they were making provocative expressions towards the people guarding them.

The arrogance was extremely arrogant, and the black tail kept flapping as if it couldn't feel the pain.

As if I got some news.

But obviously, they have been locked up and isolated from the outside.

The people in the field camp have always wondered how their kind can connect with the outside world.

Brain waves?
But it can't be detected.

It's really weird.

In order to ensure safety, the person in charge of guarding them immediately reported the matter.

Including the news of the sudden riot on the planet BH7687.

Soon, the machine troop was dispatched.

There is no difference again, and repeated bombings are carried out on the planet BH7687.

Forcibly suppressing by force, there is no mercy at all.

But the mermaids on planet BH7687 are still yelling, roaring, and celebrating crazily.

Emotions are an unprecedented riot, like being torn apart, arrogant, hyperactive, and forever vicious.

Like a beast that can never be tamed, even if it dies, it will never lower its proud head.

Machine troops bombarded here, blowing up repeatedly.

Accompanied by the sound of explosions, the cheers continued.





quiet room.

The person who had slept on the bed for a whole day opened his eyes.

A dead silence.

In the room, the temperature was a little too low.

It was chilly, the low temperature filled the room, and the air was so humid that it looked like a pipe had burst.

She woke up from the cold, sat up, couldn't help it, and rubbed her arms.

It stands to reason that there is an automatic temperature adjustment program in the room. When the owner falls asleep, the temperature will not be so low.

but now……

(End of this chapter)

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