Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 2057 Give you the scales

Chapter 2057 Give You the Scales (23)

She turned on the room temperature control panel.

Sure enough, the temperature dropped to two degrees for some reason.

It's almost freezing temperature.

It was wet and damp and cold, like living in a cemetery.

The various environmental values ​​in the room have become extremely abnormal, completely unsuitable for human life.

Although an anomaly was indicated, no sirens sounded.

Yun Si realized something was wrong.

Get out of bed as soon as possible and go out.

Outside the door, everything is business as usual.

There was no movement, everything was quiet, except for the constant whistling air-conditioning, everything else remained the same.

She frowned and looked in the direction of the study.

That's the central control center for the whole house, and maybe something went wrong there.

She walked over, the door was not closed, just pushed in.

It was still the air-conditioning that hit us in the face.

The water vapor, so cold that it could condense into frost, fell on her body.

Physiological goosebumps came out, and she couldn't help rubbing her hands because of the cold.

Walk over, open the central console, and call back all environmental value parameters.

The reminder of the abnormal situation disappeared, and the whole house returned to its normal state.

Sensing the rapid rise in temperature, Yun Si turned on the abnormal system detection mode.

The core processor starts automatic detection and feeds back the operation log of this day.

But one after another complicated values ​​popped up, but nothing abnormal was shown.

Yun Si leaned against the desk, folded her arms, and browsed quickly.

This had never happened before, so she didn't think it was an accident.

The core processor of this house is directly connected to the military, whether it is the system or the network, there is no possibility of problems.

So, there must be something abnormal.

She didn't comb her hair, didn't wash her face, and looked at the operation log one by one.

No problem... no problem... still no problem.

Environmental parameters are decreasing little by little, and the downward trend is very slow.

It doesn't look like a virus is at work.

She frowned, thinking.

Suddenly, the sound of splashing water came from outside the balcony.

Crackling, crackling, even if you can't see anything, you can feel that bit of unhappiness.

As if he was about to lose his temper again.

Yun Si looked over.

It was already afternoon, past the time to feed the mermaid.

The mermaid has to eat every meal, and loses his temper if he doesn't eat enough. He must be hungry now...

She slapped her head and almost forgot.

Before turning off the light screen in time, she walked out and went downstairs.

The moment she went out, an alarm popped up from the unturned light screen.

It shows that an unknown virus has invaded.

But the siren didn't have time to go off, and the pop-up window was swallowed.

The light blue light screen displayed in mid-air sizzled twice.

After a flash, the light screen automatically turns off.

The alarm never sounded again.





Five minutes later, the mermaid boy lying on his back by the pool, lazily basking in the sun, heard the door open.

Here she came, with disheveled hair and a black headband on her wrist.

Wearing slippers, dressed in loose pajamas, the arm exposed under the short sleeves is very white, slender and fair.

Exudes a very attractive aroma.

The mermaid boy who ate raw meat raised his eyelids and silently licked his sharp teeth.

Just lying on the edge of the pool, her shoulders are snow-white, and her beauty is astonishingly bewitching.

Staring at her, her lips were bright red and soft, with a somewhat vicious and weird arc.

(End of this chapter)

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