Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 2058 Give you the scales

Chapter 2058 Give You the Scales (24)

The smooth and beautiful silver tail, hidden under the water, slowly swayed.

Like a hunter lurking, hiding in the dark, calm and inexplicably hiding danger.

The danger of extreme infiltration makes people feel cold behind their backs.

The man who came with a big pot of meat paused, and met his clean and clear eyes.

He obviously looks very good, like a good boy, but that look...

She looks like a venomous snake of prey spitting out a snake letter, as long as she gets close, she may be caught by him——

She was silent for a while, and her footsteps also stopped there.

Out of consideration for her own safety, she still didn't get too close.

Put down the big basin full of raw meat, squat down, and gently push the basin over.

Keep your tone as nice and friendly as possible.

"Sorry, I overslept and didn't arrange lunch for you in time. I won't do it next time, I promise."

The raw meat in the big basin was still covered with fresh blood.

The bloody water flowed into the basin and had gathered into a shallow pool.

This is a delicious meal for a piranha who has been hungry for a while.

But he didn't even look at her, he just stared at her fixedly.

Licking his lips, staring at her face, his blue and clear eyes narrowed slightly.

A slight swallowing movement, like...

I fell in love with her meat.

Yun Si's eyebrows twitched, and she immediately withdrew her hand.

"Be good, don't mess around."

She warned him warily.

But as if he didn't hear her warning, the strange arc of his lips gradually deepened.

The wet silver hair fell down on his forehead, and he lay there, smiling, showing fangs that could tear apart flesh and blood in an instant.

Grinding silently, her face is still pure and beautiful like an angel.

It's hard to be on guard.

He looked at her, his beautiful chick-like eyes were slightly bent.

The eyelashes on the eyelids drooped slightly, showing a clean and harmless appearance, and there was no trace of aggression on his body.

Just looking at her, slowly, stretched out his hand.

The fingers are cold and white, and the shape is exactly the same as that of a human.

It's too white.

Even, if you look closely, you can still see the light blue blood vessels under his skin.

Indistinctly, there was a sense of coldness.

Fixed in mid-air, facing her, as if expressing friendliness, wanting to hold hands with her.

The person who looked at him warily narrowed his peach blossom eyes slightly.

Stared at him, didn't move.

It seems that he is trying to discern whether he is genuine or fake.

But the mermaid's beautiful skin is too deceptive, with a clean and beautiful face, and a flawless and gorgeous silver tail.

Everything is like a big impenetrable net, which is quietly and quietly covering the prey he wants to hunt.

He is calm, but he can confuse people's eyes and mind.

Extremely weird.

He looked at her, bent his eyes slightly, and stretched out his snow-colored and cold hands, with a quiet and gentle appearance.

No movement at all, really just a friendly gesture.

Especially in the eyes of humans.

Reaching out means wanting to make friends.

By the pool, the fair-faced man with disheveled hair stared at him for a long time.

Probably bewitched, or deceived by his harmless and clean skin.

She hesitated for a while, and finally, she slowly stretched out her hand.

Soft fingers approached gently in mid-air, like ignorant and poor prey.

Little by little, and closer.

He looked at her, the curve of his lips gradually deepened.

(End of this chapter)

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