Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 2059 Give you the scales

Chapter 2059 Give You the Scales (25)

The tyrannical factor hidden deep in her blood had already started to get excited when she stretched out her hand.

He could feel his breathing becoming short and his heart beating violently.

The cold and low-temperature blood in the veins, like a sleeping lion, began to wake up and began to howl.

It made him have an extremely strong urge to bite, destroy, and tear everything apart.

The delicious meat is full of attractive colors.

And the smell...

Her really fragrant...

The evil piranha could almost smell her breath.

It was a smell he had never smelled before, it was fragrant and sweet...

It really makes people want to drool.

He deepened his weird smile, looked at her, like a ignorant little rabbit, gently and slowly touched his hand.

Cold to the touch, wet and hard.

His hands were hard, as if made of stone.

The person who gently held his hand, before he had time to perceive more, the next second——

She was suddenly pulled into the water by force.


There was a sound of splashing water, and the water splashed again.

The hunting tricks that have been used rotten are still tried and tested.

Human beings who can be extremely powerful on the ground will become weak and insignificant like ants in the water world, and can be easily crushed to death.

The cold water touched the woman's warm body, and she was drenched almost instantly.

Her hair was also wet, and the large cotton T was sticking to her body wetly.

It made her body skeleton more slender and petite, white and soft, filled with the fragrance of flowers.

Naturally, the humid and salty air became much fresher.

The undulating water surface is also stained with the fragrance of her body, which is light and sweet.

The poor and thin man was dragged into the water and bumped into his body as hard as a stone.

Piranhas, who are extremely good at hunting, will instantly press their prey under the water after dragging them into the water, preventing them from breathing.

Force the prey to drown and die in pain.

In the process, impatient, they will directly start to bite the flesh of their prey.

Piece after piece, the more blood flowed, the more excited and frantic they would be.

The person who fell into the water was pressed to the bottom of the pool before he had time to breathe.

The mermaid, which is nearly [-] meters long, has extremely well-developed muscles.

It can easily overwhelm her, and the tail can even cover her at will.

Sharp and cold teeth lay across her fragile neck.

Grinding and licking, as if looking for a good place to bite.

Bite and break.

The person whose whole body was surrounded by ice-cold water, his nasal cavity was filled with water, could not breathe, and his throat was choked.

Slightly raised his head, at the bottom of the light blue pool, wrapped in that powerful breath.

The wet and salty water flooded into the eyes, which stinged badly.

She pushed him subconsciously, putting her slender white hands on his shoulders, and kept pushing.

The curvy and beautiful long hair spread out in the water, and the slender legs were forced under the fish's tail.

The fragile cotton T was "teared" in the water and it was torn.

The iron arm placed around her waist tightened vigorously.

The hard hands seemed to grow blade-like nails in an instant.

It stuck to her thin back, as if it was about to penetrate in the next second, deeply scratching her skin and piercing her internal organs.

Pain is coming.

(End of this chapter)

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