Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 2064 Give you the scales

Chapter 2064 Give You the Scales (30)

But he didn't seem to want to eat.

At least, for now, he doesn't seem to intend to eat her.

Even if it's just a small piece of meat.

He kept sniffing and licking. The hungry vicious dog didn't even touch a mouthful of delicious food.

Instead, he licked her hand so that it was full of saliva, sticky and slippery, like the mucus secreted by a snake, a little too cold.

It was all his scent.

Intense and intense.

The person who had been squatting in front of him looked down at him quietly.

He rubbed against her hand, stroking her arm with his cold and pale hand.

The wet and salty water stained her arms, and he narrowed his eyes slightly, like a gloomy cat, fascinated, as if he cherished her extremely.

She looked at him, gently, and held out her other hand.

Tentatively, he touched his head.

The mermaid boy who was indulging in the fragrance between her fingers suddenly paused.

Immediately, the blue eyes looked at her without emotion.

Firmly, holding her hand, slowly tightening it.

It was like a proud cat's fur would explode when it touched a sensitive part.

Quietly, staring at her.

Her hands are very soft, with a light floral fragrance, which lingers on the fingertips.

Gently, touching his wet and soft silver hair, stroking carefully.

This still means friendship among humans, but to piranhas, this is already considered a great provocation.

The head is the most fragile and soft part of their body and cannot be touched easily.

When two male mermaids fight, the most ruthless and defensive part is the head.

It is almost the most sensitive and alert place.

But she touched it gently, making his back soaked in the water tense for a moment.

Physiologically, his seemingly thin and transparent caudal fin also stretched out in an instant, stretched straight, and turned into sharp blades.

The scales are vertical, and there are bursts of cold light, which is a state of being ready to attack and about to launch an attack.

The breath on his body also suddenly became cold and dangerous, and his fingers were hard.

Breathing becomes heavy.

But the woman didn't seem to notice these abnormalities, and her soft hands were still gently touching the top of his head.

It seemed to be trying to appease him.

He stared at her with dark blue eyes, and stopped licking.

Blood red lips, flawless white cheeks.

He grabbed her hand without moving.

No emotional expression, cold.

It seems to want to see what she wants to do.




She stepped on the minefield of piranhas, but she still didn't know it.

The hand fell slowly, and turned to touch his face very gently.

The cold and soft touch is very good.

It's smooth and tender, like a block of frozen tofu.

Facing his gaze, she bent down even more.

Approaching him, the scent of flowers on his body is strong, hundreds of times stronger than the scent on his hands.

She gently touched his face, pursed her lips, and said, "I'll take you home, now."

Her voice was soft and soft, as if she was afraid of frightening him.

The wet and cold mermaid didn't react, but still stared at her calmly.

She has fine hair hanging down, gentle eyebrows and eyes, red lips and white teeth, and she looks very good.

It doesn't look like it's been on a battlefield at all.

On the contrary, he looked like an ignorant child, too naive.

There is no sense of crisis.

He wanted to laugh a little, and for no reason, an unknown anger arose.

It made him terribly annoyed, more irritated than ever.

(End of this chapter)

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