Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 2065 Give you the scales

Chapter 2065 Give You the Scales (31)

Those bright and clean eyes were obviously full of concern and tenderness, but it just made him—

He shook her hand away.

Coldly, the fish tail lifted.

The water splashed and splashed, and the beautiful fish tail rolled and exposed the water.

He sank, and this time the water splashed uncontrollably, it all splashed on her body.

Crashing, the clothes were half wet in an instant.

It seemed like it was on purpose, and I didn't know what kind of temper I was having.

"..." The man squatting by the pool was caught off guard.

After being drenched in a large amount of water, she was still cold, and she couldn't help shrinking a bit.

The big-tailed fish had already sunk to the bottom of the pool, and in the opposite corner, it seemed that it didn't want to pay attention to her again.

Do not move.

Yun Si wiped the water splashed on her face, feeling a little helpless, looking at him from a distance.

"what happened to you?"

Why are you losing your temper again?
He's obviously a fish, but why does his mood change faster than a woman's?

She stood up and walked along the pool again.

Barefoot, walk quickly.

"I'm not kidding you."

She came to the corner where he was leaning against, squatted by the pool, coaxing patiently.

"It's really taking you home, right now."

"I will personally send you away, take the aircraft, no one will find out, I promise you."

The mermaid at the bottom of the pool ignored her, as if she didn't hear her.

With a swam of his tail, he swam to the opposite corner again.

Just don't want to pay attention to her.

"..." She had no choice but to follow him again and walked to the other end.

"I know you don't believe me, and my promise is just a matter of dispensation to you."

"Or, if you want, you can get on the aircraft alone, start now, and you should be there before dawn tomorrow, what do you think?"

Still ignore.

The mind is totally unpredictable.

I don't know what to think.

Yun Si bent down slightly, at the edge of the pool, patted the water surface lightly, and the water splashed.

"Huh? Okay?"


With a flick of the tail, violent waves instantly rose from the calm water.

With a bang, it hit the wall of the pool heavily, and the icy water rushed straight to her feet.


It was so cold that she took a step back subconsciously.

The edge of the pool is slippery and there is a lot of water coming up.

She was barefoot and almost lost her balance.

After staggering twice, he retreated to the lawn before he stabilized.

"..." She pursed her lips and looked at the pool.

He wanted to leave, and she would rather take the risk than send him away now.

So, what is he up to now?
I can't figure it out, and I can't understand it.

Clenching her fists tightly, she held back her aggrieved temper and took out a card.

The palm-sized card was gently placed on a dry place by the pool.

Looking at the figure at the bottom of the pool, he said softly, "This is the access card for leaving the AU96 planet, just plug it into the CU interface of the aircraft."

"With this, you can return to your hometown unimpeded."

"I put it here, and the vehicle is parked outside, ready to go if you're ready."

This time, she seemed to really want to let him go.

Regardless of what the consequences are.

I said I would wait for the opportunity, but I didn't wait anymore.

Just let him go, even if he will be severely punished for it.

The silver-tailed mermaid at the bottom of the pool was motionless and unresponsive.

Silence, calm.

There is no trace of the urgency to go home that should be there.

Extremely indifferent.

His emotions could be felt through the cold water.

(End of this chapter)

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