Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 2076 Give you the scales

Chapter 2076 Give You the Scales (42)

It was pitch black all around, and bright lights shone straight ahead.

It was empty, and the ground was covered with sand and dust.

The huge flat ground that was supposed to be used to park the flying device was now seen by the light, and it was quiet everywhere, and only her was the only one left.

The scene was once eerie and eerie.

It was like entering some ghost room by mistake.

Terribly quiet.

not a single person.

The door of the aircraft opened slowly.

The person inside jumped down neatly.

There was a "da--", the sound of short boots hitting the ground.

She took a portable flashlight and shone around.


On the empty and lonely steel plate ground, the sound of water droplets suddenly sounded from nowhere.

In such a dark environment with no sound, it is extraordinarily clear.


The voice did not know where it came from, it was in all directions, and the source could not be found.

"..." The man holding the flashlight, with a calm expression on his face, scanned the surrounding area with the light of the flashlight.

The dilapidated and crumbling infrastructure boards are full of decaying and smelly smells, as if emanating from decaying corpses.

Thin air, floating dust.

The smell of damp came from afar.

She stood still for a while, then walked forward.

Walk along the infrastructure platform and walk in slowly.

"Da da da--"

There are only her footsteps here.

It kept echoing, and was instantly swallowed by darkness.

The gloomy and cold environment is like a giant beast with its mouth wide open and gluttonous.

Walking in slowly, you can feel the temperature drop like a cliff.

The extreme coldness is simply not a temperature that humans can bear.

If you stay for a long time, there may be a risk of hypothermia.

She came to the elevator.

The elevator will continue to the lower floor, which is the entrance to the command center.

She lit the elevator and was about to press the button.

In the next second, danger struck like lightning, and she turned around in an instant with a terrified expression.


The flashlight was knocked to the ground, rolled and rolled to the side.

The only light flickered and struggled twice, then went out.

The elevator was finally plunged into infinite darkness.

Dark, damp, cold, and...

The man standing in the darkness froze.

The small knife that was carried with him was only about one centimeter away from piercing the cold skin.

Just a little bit, you can...

hurt him.

The sharp tip of the knife stopped there, and the handle was clenched tightly.

Good sight in the dark, let her see him clearly.

Her eyes trembled slightly.

Looking up, she looked at the man who was twenty centimeters taller than her.

His brows are cold, full of wild hostility, beautiful and extremely wild.

Like a ferocious and bloodthirsty beast, the dark blue eyes of prey rolled with violent emotions.

Dangerous, nasty, topless, with a strong and terrifying aura.

Cold as a ghost.

It is so dangerous that it cannot be easily provoked.

And her knife, just right, stopped at his waist.

Just a little bit, it pierced.

She blinked, clenched the handle of the knife, and was about to say something.

The next second, he raised his hand as if holding something.

The cold and ruthless needle pierced her neck in an instant.

Liquid injection.

The action is extremely fast, as wild as a beast.

There was no chance for her to react and dodge at all.

The person who was always tolerant and gentle to him looked at him blankly.

A trace of astonishment and disbelief flashed through her bright and clear eyes.

All the strength in his body was lost in an instant.

Holding the blade in mid-air with a "click", it fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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