Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 2077 Give you the scales

Chapter 2077 Give You the Scales (43)

When his slender body fell limply, he caught her indifferently.

Hit horizontal hug, hug away.

left here.

Leave the flashlight that is still warm, and the sharp knife.

It symbolizes that there once was a poor prey that was forcibly taken away.

When the piranhas in charge of patrol came here, they held a spear in their hands, and their fish tails turned into thick legs.

They picked up the flashlight, and the knife.

After looking at it for a while, I greedily took it away.

Leaving the trap they carefully arranged.

Hey, why did the leader come to arrest that woman himself?

I don't know, maybe the leader wants to eat.

eat?Makes sense.

They communicated with low-frequency magnetic fields, moving further and further apart.




When I woke up again, it was prison again.

The cold steel cell, the airtight environment.

The lights on the roof are in dim mode, they glow slightly, but they are not bright, but they can barely illuminate everything in the prison.

It is still smooth iron wall, solid iron bed, eerie temperature.

Nothing has changed.

It was exactly the same as the room where she was locked up.

Even the location of the surveillance cameras has not changed.

When Yun Si woke up, she was in a daze for a while.

It seemed that everything that happened before was just a dream of her own.

Just, a dream.

She lay on the bed and subconsciously covered her neck.

On top, it was a little sour.

It still hurts a little.

After touching it carefully, I found that there was still a seal.

As if bitten.

Slowly, she sat up.

The tied ponytail also fell apart, and the headband was gone.

She covered her neck with one hand and looked around.

Immediately, the sight must be fixed.

Meeting those eyes that looked like poisonous snakes, Youyou stared coldly at her.

The young man with a cold and beautiful appearance, like an angel, is not pretending at all now, just staring at her gloomyly,
There was no sound at all.

Sitting motionless in a corner, only a piece of cloth around his waist is covering his body.

Long time no see, he seems to have changed a lot.

She doesn't look as cute and timid as before.

Extremely pleasing beauty, sea blue eyes.

The silver hair drooped down in disorder, covering his angry eyebrows and eyes in the dim light.

It looked fierce, like an enraged beast.

People dare not touch it.

However, his complexion is extremely white, the kind of cold white that has been soaked in water all year round.

It was as white as a soft glow.

Looking at it from a distance, somehow, I feel that he is not vicious.

Just throwing a tantrum.

Weird little temper.

Yun Si sat on the bed, tilted her head slightly, and blinked at him.

He took her...

Just to close it?

She was silent, and touched her neck again. really felt like I was bitten.

A moment of silence.

No one spoke.

Mermaids can't open their mouths, they can do anything, and even look exactly like humans.

It's just that, anyway, they don't have human vocal organs.

Without vocal organs, there is no way to produce sound.

No matter how hard you try, there is no way.

Therefore, in a small room, the low-frequency magnetic field changes rapidly.

Zizidi, if other mermaids hear it, they will cover their ears, which is unbearable.

This is the piranha making a distinctive emotional sound, symbolizing that it is irritable at the moment.

In desperate need of reassurance.

However, in the cell, the only person who could comfort him could not detect the change of the magnetic field at all.

I don't know what he wants to express.

(End of this chapter)

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