Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 2081 Give you the scales

Chapter 2081 Give You the Scales (47)

"..." The man whose clothes were torn again sighed helplessly.

Raise your hand, and gently stroke his head like a puppy.


In the slightly dim prison, two people embraced.

The atmosphere is inexplicably harmonious and warm.




After calming down a moody fish, he finally showed his kindness and brought her new clothes.

Only then did she realize that this place seemed... to have been controlled by him.

The prison was closed, but he was free to come and go.

Supplies can even be taken casually.

He went out for a trip and brought new clothes and nutrient solution for humans to satisfy their hunger.

Without saying a word, he just sat on the edge of the bed and stared at her.

The eyes staring at her were too strong and aggressive.

It seems to be staring at the prey, but also faintly, which is a bit different.

Can't tell.

"..." Being watched like this all the time, Yun Si felt a little uncomfortable.

It always feels weird.

When she was about to change clothes, she blushed a little and turned him over.

Have him face the wall.

But after a quick change, he realized that he had switched back at some point.

Stare at her, stare at her.


She coughed and raised her hand to block his hot and straightforward gaze.

He took the nutrient solution in his hand and pretended as if nothing happened.

Fortunately, he can't speak, so naturally he won't say any hooligan remarks.

He took her hand off, still staring at her, and sat closer.

Grab her hand and write on it.

One stroke at a time.

Do not,


He is still very rusty and seems to have just learned.

There are a few words, even misspelled.

The sentence that questioned her before was not wrong, as if I had practiced it many times.

Yun Si watched him write, and then looked at him again.

Slightly laughed.

"Of course it's different. You have a tail, but I don't."

He grabbed her hand, lowered his head, and paused with his fingertips.

Then, keep writing.




He wrote very slowly, and sometimes he realized that he had made a mistake, and he wiped it a little irritably.

Wipe her palms and rewrite.

It's like a primary school student just learning to write, holding a pencil and constantly scribbling and correcting.

Always write until you are satisfied.

Yun Si sat beside him, watching patiently.

He held her arm, his head resting slowly on her shoulder.

With lowered brows and eyes, after writing, there will be a full stop.

Click a little, which means - he finished writing.

Yun Si slightly pulled the corners of her lips, and looked sideways at him.

"What's the difference?"

He was very quiet, raised his eyes silently, his blue eyes were like jewels, fixedly looking at her.

This time, he took the initiative to come over and licked her face.

The cold, wet and salty breath was the same as before.

She blinked.

His head rested on her shoulders again.

He lowered his eyelids and continued to write.

One stroke at a time.

it is good.

This time, there is not a single typo.

The full stop falls, dot.

Said he was done.

She was startled, he...

He seemed to have always known her tenderness and pampering towards him.

It's just that when I calm down, I will tell her like this.

Said he... knew she was good to him.

...So, the original him, do you think she will treat him badly?

She softened her eyes slightly, "Well, it's only for you."

"In the future too."

His fingertips froze, and the tips of his hair fell down, casting a shadow.

Covering his expression, he couldn't see clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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