Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 2082 Give you the scales

Chapter 2082 Give You the Scales (48)

He could only feel him holding her tighter.

Holding her hand, some force.

He dropped these three words again.

The piranha, who is suspicious by nature and never trusts others, unexpectedly asked such a childish and naive question at this moment.

Like a deceitful child, it only takes an understatement or a nod to gain his trust.


Yun Si watched his movements, and didn't answer immediately, but thought about it.

Then, very seriously, nod.

"Really, whether it's now or in the future, I'm only good to you."

"I promise."

She added this sentence.

He didn't move.

Like believe it, but also like not believe it.

Yun Si finished drinking the nutrient solution and put the reagent tube aside.

As soon as he put it down, he could feel his hands slowly passing through her waist.

She embraced her whole body, with her soft, hairy head resting on her shoulders.

Quietly, not as before, full of vigilance, full of thorns.

It seems that the cold and sharp shell has been removed, and the soft and clean bottom is slightly exposed.

His body was cold, and so was the hand on her waist.

Only the skin against her cheek was warm, stained with her temperature.

It is hard to imagine that the piranha, who is suspicious and cruel by nature, will show such a dependent, docile and childish side.

Especially, in front of favorite food.

Yun Si blinked and looked down at him slightly.

I was a little dazed.

I don't know what's wrong with him, after being separated for a while, it became...

She didn't know how to describe it.


It seems that I have come into contact with a lot.

Not as bad and nasty as before.

She is a little complicated.


He took her hand and began to write again.

This time, the strokes moved more slowly.

Slowly, stop after writing a word.

Like thinking.

Sitting next to her, two human-like legs were rubbing against her unconsciously.

Cold and hard.

Yun Si watched and didn't speak.

very patient.

he is writing-


After writing the last word, it is still a full stop, click on it.

As if he had formed his unique habit.

After writing, her head was still rubbing against the socket of her neck.

Sticking to sticking, the hand on her waist was a little hard.

Like shy.

Cute, cute and unbearably shy.

"..." Yun Si raised her lips slightly.

"Do you want me to go with you?"

She didn't answer immediately, but asked back.

Asked back with a smile.

He buried his head on her shoulder and didn't write.

Soft silver hair fell down, covering his beautiful and very bewitching eyebrows and eyes.

He was quiet for a while, and then, very small, very small, nodded his head.

Then, rub it again.

It made people's whole heart soften, and they couldn't bear to say no at all.

Yun Si suppressed her smile and coughed lightly.

After knowing that he was obedient, she became more courageous.

Rubbing his head, the movements became more and more smooth and proficient.

The boy whose head was rubbed was still tense at the beginning, and was instantly stimulated into an attacking state.

Later, she rubbed her a lot, and it probably broke the jar.

Quietly, rest on her body.

Let the hair be messed up and become frizzy.

(End of this chapter)

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