Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 2085 Give you the scales

Chapter 2085 Give You the Scales (51)

After entering, the temperature went up again and became a lot more comfortable.

A bright light opens to illuminate the interior.

If the outside is quiet and desolate, the inside is a cold and bright, shocking high-tech world.

All of them are played by himself, like playing with toys, and he plays with them when he is interested.

Open a room at will, and you can see the colorful reagents inside.

Gulu Gulu was bubbling, and the smell was extremely weird.

The boy brought her here and showed her everything because he believed her.

It's not easy to win his trust, but once he wins it, he will show her all he has unconditionally.

No more defenses.

After coming here, Yun Si knew that there is such a magical place in the universe.

In these years, human beings have explored everywhere, occupied major planets, plundered land and resources, and there is a lot of war everywhere, and there is no peaceful day to enjoy.

Only here, far away, at the edge of the deep universe.

Like the last piece of pure land, silently and stubbornly, stick to it here.

The last peace of the universe is preserved.

And this is his home.

A home in the true sense of the word.

He uses his finger as the pen and his palm as the paper.

One stroke at a time, tell her that this is the place where he grew up.

Empty and lonely.

There is no other life but him.

And she is the second.

Yun Si was stunned.

Does he... live here alone?

The boy who believed in her so much, lowered his eyes, continued to write, and told her——

He went to planet BH7687 because he was bored and wanted to go out and have a look.

Originally, he thought that the residents there looked the same as him, which could relieve boredom.

But he didn't expect that he happened to witness the scene of humans massacring the aborigines on the planet.

He was not happy for a while, and then——

In this way, it makes sense.

Why are all the piranhas on planet BH7687 have black tails, but only him is silver, and his appearance is so different.

He is also a piranha, but not on the planet BH7687.

But human beings also regard him as one of them because he is with the aborigines on planet BH7687.

I was arrested because I wanted to see what the human world was like, and by the way, I wanted to make trouble on purpose.

He's just bad and he just wants to have fun.

In short, he just didn't want to come back, to this planet where he was the only one.

He was always alone, with no one to talk to.


By accident, he met her.

Originally, I wanted to play tricks, but it was——

Before she could figure out what was wrong with her, she rushed him away.

pissed him off.

He was so angry that he couldn't eat for several days.

When he wrote this, he paused and looked up at her.

She bent her eyes slightly, smiling, a little helpless.

"I've explained it to you, I'm not driving you away..."

He pursed his lips and continued writing.


Therefore, he was not angry.

She was nice to him, and he was very happy.

Thinking of this, the tips of his snow-white ears turned red.

Looking a little shy.


Would you like to live here with me?

He wrote like this, and after finishing writing, he quickly raised his head and stared at her.

The tips of the ears turned redder.

The cold body temperature finally showed some signs of rising.

She no longer has a fierce appearance, but looks like a little daughter-in-law who has shown her heart.

Incredibly soft.

(End of this chapter)

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