Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 2086 Give you the scales

Chapter 2086 Give You the Scales (52)

Yun Si looked at him quietly.

He took her hand and moved closer, closer.

Her head was drooped, her body was bent, and her soft hair fell on her neck and shoulders.

He is very tall, and he needs to bend over to reach her shoulders.

Arms slipped gently through her hands, around her waist.

Probably because he remembered what she said before, this time, he didn't use much force.

On the contrary, there was a feeling of being cautious and not daring to hurt her.

She is the only one he trusts, so she always wants to be closer, closer.

I like to stick and cengceng, and I also like to lick and lick.

Like a wolf cub, licking her cheek.

I don't know that this is something that can only be done between very close lovers, so I just obey my instincts obediently.

Instinctively want to do these things to her.

And having fun.

The corner of the lips of the hugged person couldn't help but curl up.

Hands rested lightly on his waist, encircling him loosely.

He obviously didn't say anything, but he seemed to know what she meant.

The strength that was still very light just now increased instantly.

He picked her up immediately.


With her feet off the ground, she let out a gasp.

He hugged her and walked straight in.

Go deeper into the underground laboratory, and that one leads to the ocean.




The blue sea, the cold water.

The bare seabed, the uneven and rugged sea rocks.

This sea, which took up half of the planet's land area, gradually eroded into the rock layer during tens of millions of years of evolution.

Deep into the heart of the earth.

Unlike ordinary seas, the sea here is extremely cold.

Without the light of the sun, there are no surrounding stars that can radiate heat.

The sea level has condensed into a solid block almost all the year round, a thick layer with a depth of tens of meters.

Further down, as you go deeper into the seabed, the temperature becomes higher and higher and warmer.

Until it is close to the center of the earth, the temperature can reach sixty or seventy degrees at one time.

Under some rock blocks, boiling bubbles can even be seen coming out.

The warm water is silent, without a trace of flow in the dark light.

There is no living body, and there is no half vivid color.

The only thing that can exist is that lonely mermaid.

The mermaid is long and fit, with a smooth and powerful tail, like a beautiful elf guarding the bottom of the sea, the only bright color in the endless darkness.

The fish tail swam, stirring up the still water layer, forming a tumbling current under the ice.

The temperature changed sharply, and he led the girl with bare feet deep into the bottom of the sea.

Take her to visit, this huge and empty underwater world.

It's like a little kid who just made a new friend and can't wait to show her what he has.

Still a child at heart.

It's a pity that the girl is too fragile, and she can't last long in diving.

Therefore, he will kindly pass his breath to her.

When the girl was finally able to return to land, she kept coughing, and her fair little face was completely red.

I don't know whether to be angry or ashamed.

The bottom of the sea leads directly to the laboratory, and she sits on the cold steel plate, her feet soaked in the water.

Drenched all over, with long hair clinging to her, she covered her lips and coughed.

That very bad, very bad mermaid just hugged her legs and floated on the water.

He rested his head on her lap, staring at her unblinkingly.

The corners of the lips are well-behaved, and she smiles well.

Like a little angel who doesn't know much about the world, he looks very cute.

It makes people unable to lose their temper at all.

(End of this chapter)

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