Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 2090 Give you the scales

Chapter 2090 Give You the Scales (56)

She was a little amused, and didn't understand where his strange ideas came from.

Just as he was about to say something, he suddenly leaned over.

Facing her, he licked it.

Like a dog.

It's all saliva, and I'm not afraid of her disgust.


She touched the corner of her lips.


She smiled slightly and turned her eyes away.

Hands rested lightly on his waist.

"It's not that I won't go back, what are you in a hurry for?"

He lowered his head, his chin resting on her cheek.

He couldn't walk well at all, just walked along the street like this, sticking to her all the way.

On such an empty and sparse road, the sparsely populated place looks particularly abrupt.

He writes on the palm of her hand.

So do you like, at home, or, here?
Years of study and use have enabled him to write fluently.

One stroke at a time, little by little.

After reading it, Yun Si glanced at him, but didn't speak.

He also wrote in the palm of his hand in a dignified way.

All, no, like, like.

Just, like, like, you.

Eight characters, very symmetrical.

He watched quietly, and before she could take back her hand after she finished writing, he grabbed her.

Grab those thin white fingers and hold them in your hands.

Her hands are soft and always warm.

She hooked him up.

rock Me.

"Aren't you angry anymore?"

She hooked her lips and looked at him with a smile.

After being confessed bluntly, he stopped talking and became quiet.

The fluffy head was like a dog, rubbing against her neck.

The breath is cold, soft and cool.

It's easy to coax, it's easy to coax, especially easy to coax.

He hooked her hand and quickly drew on it.

Then, keep rubbing.

As if being coquettish with her.

I'm not angry anymore.

She paused.

The meaning drawn in her palm...

She coughed and was about to ignore it.

But he seemed to have seen through her intentions, and persistently drew on her palm.

Do a few quick strokes, then stare straight at her.

His gaze was intense and hot, like lava from a volcano erupting, trying to swallow her whole.

Swallowed nothing left.

He is saying yes.

Desire is not concealed in the slightest.

"..." She covered his eyes all at once.

Some blushed.

"Now... not now."

"Go back, go back and talk about it."

He didn't move, but held her tighter.

If you become persistent, you will not be able to pull ten cows back.

Too stubborn.

Totally spoiled by her.

Yun Si: "..."

bad boy.

She pulled his hand away, and when he was about to move again, she held it back.

Holding him, we walked along the street together.

bask in the sun.


"Be good, we'll be home in two days."

He followed her, holding her tightly.

Talking from time to time, expressing their dissatisfaction.

Dissatisfied with two days.

Obviously, at home, he can do many things with her.

He was not happy and wanted to write.

Then, the person holding him suddenly turned his head, stood on tiptoe, and kissed him.

He stopped walking.

"Be good or not?"

She pursed her lips in a half-smile.

"..." He didn't move.

The hand holding her tightened instantly.

Grip a little harder.

Kissing is always more effective than coaxing words.

He settled down.

Yun Si took him by the hand, rubbed his head, and praised him encouragingly.

"So nice."

He lowered his head and rubbed against her neck.

I didn't lose my temper anymore.

The two walked half hugging and half side by side.

When the sun shines, the shadows merge into one.

Can't tell who is from whom.

"Wait tonight, I'll take you to meet someone, okay?"

He held her waist, very quietly.

Because he can't speak, he just listens quietly.

Usually she will do whatever she says, and he will be very obedient and listen to her.

Yun Si knew his silent reaction, if he didn't resist, he just acquiesced.

What she says is what she says.

She is smiling.

"So nice."

(End of this chapter)

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